View Full Version : Petition: Give the hedgehog better legal protection in order to reverse its decline

12-06-16, 07:35
Hi all,

I joined Hedgehog Street last year. I see hedgehogs on my walks at night and I came across them due to a "hedgehog map" where people can record sightings. The site also gives useful information on how to make our gardens more accessible to them, after all they are good for the garden as they love chomping down on slugs.



If you feel like supporting hedgehogs, there is a petition raised by Oliver Colvile MP to:

The petition of the residents of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland declares that the British hedgehog population has declined by up to a third over the last 10 years.

The petitioners therefore urge the House of Commons to endorse the practical supporting measures of 'Hedgehog Street' and ensure the hedgehog is given better legal protection including adding it to Schedule 5 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act by the Government and in particular the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

If you wish to sign it, the petition is here:




Currently there are 37, 604 signatures but they want 100,000 to raise the issue for debate in Parliament. Sadly, they have rejected the proposal up to this point...they would prefer to wait until there is no choice anymore and hedgehogs get declared an endangered species. Not very forward thinking and somewhat the opposite of the commitment to preserve animal species! :doh::doh::doh:

(GB & NI only)

12-06-16, 11:09
I will do my best to get the signatures bumped up Terry. x

12-06-16, 12:48
Signed, and shared on my Facebook page.

---------- Post added at 12:48 ---------- Previous post was at 12:11 ----------

Goodness, I'm getting a lot of flack from people saying cull more badgers as they are killing all the hedgehogs!

12-06-16, 23:39

12-06-16, 23:43
Signed :D

13-06-16, 05:29
Thanks for your support everyone! :yesyes::yahoo:

Mojo - don't let anyone upset you, take it off if you need to. I don't believe in badger culling, despite what the government said it didn't work. Didn't the MP in charge at the time complain the badgers had "moved the goalposts"? Which I translate into "loads of experts and politicians outwitted by some small furry mammals". :roflmao:

13-06-16, 07:22
I LOVE hedgehogs! We have them over here as one of your lot brought them over at some stage during colonial times.

Unfortunately my dog does not love hedgehogs. She doesn't hurt them but if one turns up in the garden she goes completely mental, barking like a complete nutter. I had to fence off my back garden so I can block access for the dogs at night (they sleep inside but have a dog door in case of needing to wee) as the neigbourhood does not need woken at 1, 2, or 3 am! Me either!

13-06-16, 07:47
They are very cute, Shaz. Some don't even seemed bothered and just keep snuffling through the grass with you standing next to them.

Dogs do have their funny habits. Mine does that with the hoover. He used to do it with the yard brush too. And for some reason he jumps on spiders and squashes them with his nose but doesn't eat them?!!! :shrug::biggrin:

13-06-16, 08:02
They are very cute, Shaz. Some don't even seemed bothered and just keep snuffling through the grass with you standing next to them.

Dogs do have their funny habits. Mine does that with the hoover. He used to do it with the yard brush too. And for some reason he jumps on spiders and squashes them with his nose but doesn't eat them?!!! :shrug::biggrin:

Dogs sure are funny creatures! Interestingly a couple of times we've seen hedgehogs when we are out and Lola doesn't even look at them. I think it's only a problem when they are intruders! Unfortunately they can't read, otherwise I'd put up a sing warning them to keep out - haha.

Don't get me started on the hoover. It's obviously only here to kill us all! :roflmao:

13-06-16, 08:07
Ah, it's a territory thing then. Like dogs that bark at anyone on the property but not when they are being walked.

We used to have one of those hoovers with a smiley face on it but it turned out to be a thing about all hoovers. I guess the floor is his territory and this is a big intruder. Dogs do love feet after all.

13-06-16, 08:37
Great campaign

13-06-16, 10:52
Thanks for the support, pulisa.

13-06-16, 16:17
We need to work fast on this one Terry.
There's only a couple of months to gather signatures.

I hope you get a good response. :)

14-06-16, 06:06
Thanks, Carnation.

The mail came from a different name so it had been sitting in the pile for a while. I tend to build up a lot of spam as very few emails are ever needed these days. I'm not great at keeping on top of mail, it's one of life's annoyances with anxiety!

14-06-16, 12:44

01-07-16, 19:56

01-07-16, 22:28
Sorry for the deletions......was trying to post a hedgy pic and can't work out how!!

Signed and shared to FB. These lovely little creatures well deserve protection.

01-07-16, 23:37
I want to wish you luck with this Terry.:)
They sure are cute! We don't have hedgehogs here, I can't believe how cute they are!
Are they fairly calm and gentle?
Are they soft? Their coat looks a bit like a porcupine .

02-07-16, 05:07
I want to wish you luck with this Terry.:)
They sure are cute! We don't have hedgehogs here, I can't believe how cute they are!
Are they fairly calm and gentle?
Are they soft? Their coat looks a bit like a porcupine .

Thanks Mugs.

Yes, they are timid usually. They curl up into a ball so their spines put off any threats. They aren't sharp to us though so we can handle them. A guess they are somewhere between a sharp and a soft furry cactus.

I sometimes see them on my nightly walks and some are a bit braver than others. They will freeze or run away but not all curl up. One I saw just ignored me and kept snuffling through the grass for food.

They will eat dog food which they say is a good meal to put out for them with some fresh water. I've only seen a family once and that was when I was child and they were digging up the quarry near my house. The grassed areas were being steadily removed and a few of us came across a family in a burrow that had become exposed.

You can get domesticated pygmy hedgehogs as pets too. Some of these might be African ones.

https://edinburghhedgehogs.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/205171_210009475694554_165562056805963_780716_1670 586_n.jpg

02-07-16, 05:13
Sorry for the deletions......was trying to post a hedgy pic and can't work out how!!

Signed and shared to FB. These lovely little creatures well deserve protection.

No worries, Debs, I didn't think you were complaining & deleting. :D

You've gone blonde! You look very nice.

Thanks for the support.

If you want to add a pic, if it's one off the internet you just need to click on the Insert Image icon (yellow with a sun & mountains in it) and delete out whatever comes up in the box and then paste in the web address of your image.

If you are uploading one, you need to go into Advanced Post and click on Manage Attachments. Then click Browse in the section where it says to upload from a computer. That lets you search your folders. Select your image and click the Upload button next to it and you will see a file name show up underneath. Close the window. Now you go into Attachments which is in your user panel with all your editing options (at the bottom left). This shows you any files you have uploaded. Click on the one for your picture and it will open up a new tab or window with the picture in. Copy the web address and now go back into your post and use that Insert Image function and paste in the web address after deleting out whatever pops straight up in the box.

It's a bit round the houses but it works. It will show as In Progress in your attachments for ages if it's like mine. I've found sometimes it won't open at first or attach so it must still be uploading. But even though it says in progress you can usually add it to a post. If you delete the attachment though, it will change the picture to a tiny square with nothing in it in any threads where you posted it.

02-07-16, 20:34
Thanks for the info.
Soooo cute:)

05-07-16, 14:59
No worries, Debs, I didn't think you were complaining & deleting. :D

You've gone blonde! You look very nice.

Thanks for the support.

If you want to add a pic, if it's one off the internet you just need to click on the Insert Image icon (yellow with a sun & mountains in it) and delete out whatever comes up in the box and then paste in the web address of your image.

If you are uploading one, you need to go into Advanced Post and click on Manage Attachments. Then click Browse in the section where it says to upload from a computer. That lets you search your folders. Select your image and click the Upload button next to it and you will see a file name show up underneath. Close the window. Now you go into Attachments which is in your user panel with all your editing options (at the bottom left). This shows you any files you have uploaded. Click on the one for your picture and it will open up a new tab or window with the picture in. Copy the web address and now go back into your post and use that Insert Image function and paste in the web address after deleting out whatever pops straight up in the box.

It's a bit round the houses but it works. It will show as In Progress in your attachments for ages if it's like mine. I've found sometimes it won't open at first or attach so it must still be uploading. But even though it says in progress you can usually add it to a post. If you delete the attachment though, it will change the picture to a tiny square with nothing in it in any threads where you posted it.

Sorry for the late reply, Terry.

Thanks so much for the info about pics. I had done it in the past, but for the life of me couldn't recall how to this time.

Ahh the blonde Terry. Thank you for your kind words. Needs much Terry, needs must! After years of battling the grey which came through every flaming 3 weeks with my dark hair, I decided to go the less noticeable route with blonde, after a lot fo coaxing from my hairdresser (blends a bit better!)

I'm not quite ready to embrace the grey yet, so I am embracing blonde instead, lol :D

Very happy to support this lovely cause. Hedgehogs are special creatures and much undervalued IMO.

06-07-16, 14:09
Aww I want one ��

10-07-16, 18:59

20-07-16, 08:55
Time for some more cute hogs. Enjoy!


20-07-16, 10:59
Aww they look like our Spikey Anteater,very similar.:D.

21-07-16, 07:59
I've got hedgehog poo on my garden yay. Never seen one round here before :yesyes:

21-07-16, 08:41
I've got hedgehog poo on my garden yay. Never seen one round here before :yesyes:

Maybe it was a neighbour? :ohmy::D

I logged my hedgehog sightings but I can't remember if they accepted poo sightings. :D

21-07-16, 08:46
Hhmmm I do have a pretty strange neighbour lol

22-07-16, 07:36
Aww they look like our Spikey Anteater,very similar.:D.

Is that the Echidna?

27-07-16, 09:39
Terry, the baby hedgehog is sooooo cute. :)

---------- Post added at 09:39 ---------- Previous post was at 09:37 ----------

I think you will be lucky to get 50,000 signatures by the deadline.
Can it be extended Terry or have we failed? :( x

14-10-16, 05:43
Oy ellengonzalez, stop spamming my hedgegog thread you numpty! :mad::biggrin:

Sadly only 50,399 signatures, Carnation. Maybe they can do something with it still since the MP in question is connected to the charity?

I mapped a new hedgehog yesterday, sadly it was roadkill though :weep: I managed to peel him off the road and lay him on the grass verge.

15-10-16, 05:18
Erm, thanks to someone for giving my thread 1 star. Not sure why you thought it was terrible, it was to help a charity raise some signatures???

15-10-16, 08:57
Looks like someone has added a few more Terry :winks:

15-10-16, 10:40
bit late to this sorry and the petition is showing as closed now but keep at it terry, hedgehogs are fantastic little things. when a workmate died some years back all donations were requested to st tiggywinkles hedgheog sanctuary in aylesbury because he loved the little creatures.
good luck with your efforts, caring for small creatures in this big bad world is a lovely thing

17-10-16, 11:42
Have you seen the cute hedgehog advert advertising some sort of sponge Terry? :)

17-10-16, 12:38
Wish we had hedgehogs over here,my rug rats would love them as pets,a few more critters to add too the zoo...lol x.

17-10-16, 18:14
Have you seen the cute hedgehog advert advertising some sort of sponge Terry? :)

A sponge Terry? Sounds cuddly! 😂

18-10-16, 07:05
A sponge Terry? Sounds cuddly! 😂

Just call me "Mr Looferman...shabba". :yesyes::winks::roflmao:

---------- Post added at 06:48 ---------- Previous post was at 04:47 ----------

Wish we had hedgehogs over here,my rug rats would love them as pets,a few more critters to add too the zoo...lol x.

Won't your customs lot have them in as pets?

They are lovely little things. They're not spikey as people think, more like me in my longer hair days when I used to gel it hard. :blush:

---------- Post added at 06:49 ---------- Previous post was at 06:48 ----------

Have you seen the cute hedgehog advert advertising some sort of sponge Terry? :)

Yes, I saw that last week. Was it swimming around? It reminded me of some of the pics I saw when I was looking for the ones I posted in this thread.

Very cute!

---------- Post added at 06:49 ---------- Previous post was at 06:49 ----------

Looks like someone has added a few more Terry :winks:

Aw, thanks people, very much appreciated. :hugs:

---------- Post added at 07:05 ---------- Previous post was at 06:49 ----------

bit late to this sorry and the petition is showing as closed now but keep at it terry, hedgehogs are fantastic little things. when a workmate died some years back all donations were requested to st tiggywinkles hedgheog sanctuary in aylesbury because he loved the little creatures.
good luck with your efforts, caring for small creatures in this big bad world is a lovely thing

Cheers Bruce, I always seem to have a plentiful supply of slugs for them with having a pond! Frogs too, so they have some competition.

That's a really nice idea that they had to donate. He would have been really pleased with that.

18-10-16, 12:08
Our Customs suck,Terry.Would'nt even let a couple of terriers stay,
I doubt they would allow me a hedgehog.

Bike Rider
31-10-16, 12:21
Haven't some slugs got a disease that then passes onto the hedgehog? my wife puts cat food out for them and munchies.

23-08-18, 02:06
Just been out to the bin and seen a huge hedgie snuffling around in the rockery :yahoo: Never seen one on our garden before but we have hedges at the back and are close to a reservoir so we always thought they would be around. We find a lot of empty snail shells that look bashed in. I wondered, given the shape of the holes, whether it was larger birds as we have lots of blackbirds but I've never seen them go anywhere near them so maybe it has been the hedgies all along?

23-08-18, 11:06
Could be Terry. They are quite shy creatures. We had one in our garden last year and only noticed it because it's movement turned on the automatic outside light.
I was only watching a programme on hedgehogs last night stating that there are only about a million in existence now. :ohmy:

24-08-18, 04:59
Yeah they are struggling. It's partly because of how we fence our gardens so they can't get around as easily and charities have been promoting cutting holes either side so they can get through.

I know people put food out for them and we throw mealworms out for the birds a couple of times a week, we've got loads of hangers for fat balls and seed but the blackbirds & Robin can't easily get at them, so he may have been snuffling some of them up.

Our garden is in tiers as we live near the top of hill and you can't really see above the first tier from the back yard, not the ground level anyway. So never been sure about putting stuff out and next doors cat might have just ate it if there were no hedgies that come through ours. They seem to like cat food.

I like them, they are lovely creatures. I've come across them on my night walks in some places over the years. I log them on the hedgehog map so they can keep track.

This one didn't set our sensor off and he was large. It goes off for cats through. Our resident frog doesn't set it off either :biggrin:

24-08-18, 09:12
Sounds like you have a mini wildlife centre Terry. :D
We haven't seen our pheasants for over 6 months now. :shrug:

27-08-18, 02:07
Well if slugs count I've got one hell of a reserve! :biggrin:

Were they old? Lets hope they will make a return at some point. It could be they have found food, water & shelter elsewhere?

27-08-18, 10:39
Maybe it was because he had 4 females and they have worn him out. :ohmy:

28-08-18, 02:24
Yeah, perhaps they all found out he was at it with them all and he's done a runner? :biggrin:

15-09-18, 01:56
I've mapped my new hedgie. If anyone wants to add one, even a dead one, you can on here:


07-10-18, 02:26
If anyone is interested there is petition to help hedgehogs:

https://www.change.org/p/help-save-britain-s-hedgehogs-with-hedgehog-highways?j=435316&sfmc_sub=685492468&l=127_HTML&u=65574272&mid=7259809&jb=2160&utm_medium=email&utm_source=aa_sign&utm_campaign=435316&utm_content=&sfmc_tk=DdHkXZxhIuIDkPm%2bLEk%2bkVCFMz5STy%2fCYbKn KqKOHXUC7ytFpyazo17bK7WSEsSp&j=435316&sfmc_sub=685492468&l=127_HTML&u=65574272&mid=7259809&jb=2160

Hedgehogs in the UK are in serious trouble. Repeated studies have shown that the nation’s favourite animal is being wiped out. But there is something we can do to save them.
I’m an ecologist and author and I’ve been studying hedgehogs for over 30 years. I know that a key cause of them dying out is that our landscapes are being fenced off into ever smaller fragments. We need to make sure new housing developments include ‘hedgehog highways’ - a 13 cm hole in the bottom of a fence that allows hedgehogs to move freely between gardens to find food and find a mate.
This simple move would have a big impact on the UK’s hedgehogs - and it’s cheap and easy for developers to carry out.
So I’m calling upon government to ensure every new housing development builds in these holes for hedgehog highways. This will allow gardens to be connected, creating the pathways they need to survive.
We can’t sit back and let hedgehog numbers keep plummeting. It’s estimated that numbers are already down 95% since the 1950s. We have to act now.
Please sign here to call on the Ministry of Housing and Planning to make hedgehog highways a legal requirement of new builds.

Hedgehog charities already encourage people to make tunnels through their fences. We have hedges and I would prefer to keep them as we have lots of sparrows nesting in them plus any hedgies can get through the roots at the bottom.

Cutting a hole is a very easy thing to do. Fencing companies may be resistant as it may affect their tooling but it's hardly a job for a building firm to cut a small hole in two panels.

04-11-18, 17:27
Don't forget to check for hedgies if you're having a bonfire. It's a lovely looking nature hide to them!

23-11-18, 02:48
If anyone is interested there is petition to help hedgehogs:

https://www.change.org/p/help-save-britain-s-hedgehogs-with-hedgehog-highways?j=435316&sfmc_sub=685492468&l=127_HTML&u=65574272&mid=7259809&jb=2160&utm_medium=email&utm_source=aa_sign&utm_campaign=435316&utm_content=&sfmc_tk=DdHkXZxhIuIDkPm%2bLEk%2bkVCFMz5STy%2fCYbKn KqKOHXUC7ytFpyazo17bK7WSEsSp&j=435316&sfmc_sub=685492468&l=127_HTML&u=65574272&mid=7259809&jb=2160

Hedgehogs in the UK are in serious trouble. Repeated studies have shown that the nation’s favourite animal is being wiped out. But there is something we can do to save them.
I’m an ecologist and author and I’ve been studying hedgehogs for over 30 years. I know that a key cause of them dying out is that our landscapes are being fenced off into ever smaller fragments. We need to make sure new housing developments include ‘hedgehog highways’ - a 13 cm hole in the bottom of a fence that allows hedgehogs to move freely between gardens to find food and find a mate.
This simple move would have a big impact on the UK’s hedgehogs - and it’s cheap and easy for developers to carry out.
So I’m calling upon government to ensure every new housing development builds in these holes for hedgehog highways. This will allow gardens to be connected, creating the pathways they need to survive.
We can’t sit back and let hedgehog numbers keep plummeting. It’s estimated that numbers are already down 95% since the 1950s. We have to act now.
Please sign here to call on the Ministry of Housing and Planning to make hedgehog highways a legal requirement of new builds.

Hedgehog charities already encourage people to make tunnels through their fences. We have hedges and I would prefer to keep them as we have lots of sparrows nesting in them plus any hedgies can get through the roots at the bottom.

Cutting a hole is a very easy thing to do. Fencing companies may be resistant as it may affect their tooling but it's hardly a job for a building firm to cut a small hole in two panels.

Amazing photograph shared on this guys petition update feed of a group of starlings forming an in air hedgehog shape!

https://www.change.org/p/help-save-britain-s-hedgehogs-with-hedgehog-highways/u/23641973?cs_tk=AaAV99JLp_YUNMbF91sAKB785johCUBb8Qu tsZURVw%3D%3D&utm_campaign=b4bae511104c4421965418c95d87ba3e&utm_medium=email&utm_source=petition_update&utm_term=cs


03-06-19, 02:53
Had to post this that popped up on my newsfeed.


A mini hedgehog being tickled! :yesyes:

03-06-19, 05:40
I used to own a hedgehog! Her name was Potato Tomato.
4830 4831

04-06-19, 12:06
I used to own a hedgehog! Her name was Potato Tomato.
4830 4831

She's beautiful, Erin! Her name wouldn't rhyme over here :biggrin: