View Full Version : sleep problems

12-06-16, 08:01
Hi all. I'm scared I may have sleep apnea. For the past week I've been waking.up gasping, waking.up with extreme pins and needles and even had sleep paralysis.... Went to doc he didn't take me seriously. He said ur slim, female with normal bo and that was that.... But it cld be apnea and its dangerous

12-06-16, 08:21
I get the same thing, it scares the shit out of me. its kept me up all night a few times. is it right as youre about to drift off that you get it? i havent found anything that helps, i just get so tired that eventually i literally pass out. i think its sleep panic attacks.

12-06-16, 08:37
Yup I thort it was night panic too but then someone suggested apnea and now I'm so worried because its dangerous

12-06-16, 09:09
I had the same worries. maybe have a sleep study done to get tested for sleep apnea

12-06-16, 09:16
Did u get a study done?