View Full Version : Health anxiety: my situation (please read)

12-06-16, 08:46
My situation is the following:
For the past 4-5 days I've felt the sensation of dry mouth/tongue and a little weak overall. Feeling this leads me to think about it, thinking I must have some bad illness. I stopped searching online because i found some terrible stuff and since then i cant stop thinking about it, it has become a horrible feeling because all those negative thoughts start creeping in my mind and its difficult to stop them.
The thing is everyday I wake up every day feeling a little better, then I start checking how my symptoms are evolving, which leads me to paying more attention to it, stressing about it and finally the sensation of dry mouth/tongue increases. This stress has made me loose lots of sleep this week while thinking about it. I drink lots of liquid but it doesnt help much, the only thing that helps is when I'm completely occupied doing something else.
I wanted to ask you if it's possible that all the stress is causing this feeling of dry mouth (although it's not painfull it's uncomfortable, and I've heard or read bad things about it, which fueled my anxiety). Also, can stress debilitate the immune system so the probability of getting sick is higher?
My last concern is how do I improve on lowering my attention to my symptoms? I have tried paying more attention on daily chores, stopping negative thoughts when i recognize them and doing my normal workout but still there is always some anxiety lingering.

12-06-16, 09:13
Yes, stress can weaken your immune system. also, for me, when I get anxiety really bad (which is pretty much 24/7), my mouth gets really dry and I definitely feel weak (along with other symptoms). the dry mouth could be ANYTHING and as long as you dont have any other symptoms pop up, I think you should be fine. if you do get more symptoms though, a trip to the doctor wont hurt at all. better safe than sorry right? Also, STOP GOOGLING YOUR SYMPTOMS!!! lol. that always gives me a panic attack because it causes me to over think everything

12-06-16, 09:31
Thank you very much for reading and understanding my situation. Im trying to get over this situation and knowing that other people go through similar ones is very helpful