View Full Version : Scared of good days

12-06-16, 09:48
I have had several really good days recently and it is almost as if I'm on edge waiting for the "drop" back down into bad days, which is how my anxiety has been since I've been on the citalopram. But this time the good days have lasted longer than ever before, previously I only got 1 or 2 good ones before a week of bad ones. Now I've been good since Wednesday and I'm really frightened that I'm going to come down with a massive wollop any day now - it is almost as if I'm wishing it upon myself if that makes sense? Looking for signs that I'm heading for a downward turn. I don't know how to deal with this new symptom and I need advice!

12-06-16, 10:11
Just try and take each day at a time. It's really hard with anxiety as it has a habit of returning out of the blue but look how far you have come and hopefully this feeling will pass soon. X

12-06-16, 10:13
Argh I know exactly how you feel! It's almost like I'm testing myself sometimes, I even got out my old diary where I'd wrote about all the bad days I'd had. I find that just knowing I will have bad days actually helps, I had a really good week last week where I felt totally normal but this week I've had a few naff days. But I deal with them absolutely fine now and am able to shrug them off a lot easier so that makes me feel really good because I think Well that shows how much stronger I'm getting. Don't be scared of the bad days just see them as a measure of how much progress you've made by seeing them, riding them out and looking forward to them passing again x

12-06-16, 10:23
Thank you both!

Suzie, I take in a lot of what you say because like me you are only taking 10mg and you seem to be coping very well on it. Most people tell me to increase to 20 but I don't want to if I can manage on 10. I'm still a few weeks off the 3 month mark but I'm hanging on in there and I take great comfort and inspiration from you when I read your posts - so thank you!

12-06-16, 11:42
I completely relate Mojo,

I am still very up and down (been having issues since October) BUT the good days are better and the bad days less often and not as bad. It's hard not to worry about the next bad one coming but that will almost make one come so best to not think of it. Easier said than done! I'm working on this myself.

Make the most of the good days and give yourself lots of praise for how far you have come!

12-06-16, 12:08
Thank you Shaza, I'm trying all the suggestions everyone has made, so fingers crossed!

12-06-16, 12:38
Mojo61, you ARE entitled to good days and a long stream of them.

Normally you will have signs beforehand if you are going to relapse.
Extra stress and not eating properly can add to the fuel, but generally in recovery, your good days will grow and your bad; not even a day sometimes so we will call it a moment will reduce or not seem so overpowering.
Anxiety has a habit of lurking in the wings. We know it's there and our body/min are on alert waiting for it to appear.
So my advice is enjoy your good days and don't feel disappointed when you have a glitch; it is all part of your recovery. :)

12-06-16, 15:40
Wait, so its normal to not ne able to get the anxiety off your mind, even during the good days? Ive been stressing because I cant ever seem to stop thinking about it, even when I feel alright.

12-06-16, 17:43
Mojo61, you ARE entitled to good days and a long stream of them.

Normally you will have signs beforehand if you are going to relapse.
Extra stress and not eating properly can add to the fuel, but generally in recovery, your good days will grow and your bad; not even a day sometimes so we will call it a moment will reduce or not seem so overpowering.
Anxiety has a habit of lurking in the wings. We know it's there and our body/min are on alert waiting for it to appear.
So my advice is enjoy your good days and don't feel disappointed when you have a glitch; it is all part of your recovery. :)

Thank you Carnation :bighug1:

---------- Post added at 17:43 ---------- Previous post was at 17:39 ----------

Wait, so its normal to not ne able to get the anxiety off your mind, even during the good days? Ive been stressing because I cant ever seem to stop thinking about it, even when I feel alright.

Liveaboveit - I find it easier to forget about it when I'm busy, but once I stop doing things and perhaps sit down with a cup of tea or something it comes back to remind me not to get too complacent lol. Before I started the meds I would think about it all day every day, but now I can forget for a while and the time between "remembering" is lengthening, so I guess that eventually that will improve until the day comes when I don't think about the anxiety anymore - at least that's what I'm hoping! :yesyes:

12-06-16, 20:06
I'm glad I can help in any way at all! I take a lot of comfort from what everyone on here says, I know a lot of people stop posting on here when they feel better but I just feel like this place is an extra bit of support that I don't want to give up.

It's really great that youre having some good days by the way! This is how it's gone for me too, but then I just got quite content in my good days and stopped worrying about the bad days to come - and I'm certain that that will be the next positive stage for you too. I do think that all of the hormonal stuff you've got going on must be playing a part in your low mood, it just MUST be, but you're powering through & all the small positives slowly add up x