View Full Version : Day 28

12-06-16, 17:28
So this morning I woke up at half 6 slight anxiety and intrusive thoughts but that all wore off around half hour later. Got up at half 10 as been at work all week and decided to have a lazy day haven't even got dressed just chilling out with the family. Haven't had any thoughts all day until now I found myself checking for them and now I feel anxious and can't stop thinking about them. I hate it when we have good moments then we remember the anxiety and the thoughts and everything that comes with it come back I still going to class today as good day and put the thoughts down to me checking for them. The therapist gave me homework to and I have to fill it in every time I have a bad thought and then the things I do to suppress them only been filled in once today so it's a start

Hope everyone is well :) xx

12-06-16, 20:09
You're doing really well! At day 28 I was still tearing my hair out & decided to quit taking them 2 days later because I hated the side effects (obviously restarted again later) It sounds like the therapy is helping you, and don't worry too much about 'checking' for the anxious thoughts, we all do it and it's a habit that can and will be broken x

12-06-16, 20:58
Thanks suzie I feel loads better have my bad days but I get through them and hope for good days it's just the thoughts now but I'll get there like you say she believed she could, so she did xxx