View Full Version : constant urge to yawn and take a deep breath

12-06-16, 18:55
some days isn't as bad as others
but i continuously have this strong urge to yawn and to take a deep breathe
went to a lung doc and everything was physically good...or stated as "not being the cause of these issues"

also feels like breathing doesnt come naturally like i'm the one that has to it manually
or does anyone else sometimes feel full in the stomach?
usually happens when i eat i sometimes*gross...vomit and i feel instant relief most of the time its not food but acid and phlem
from the full feeling
*no eating disorders involved

i can understand when im anxious i hyper ventilate but when i "dont feel anxious"
it still happens

anyone else go through this ?

these issues are my main form of anxiety and everything else has become stable

i have tried yoga and meditation doesnt really work for me

12-06-16, 22:31
When my anxiety first started, I used to yawn a lot whenever I was in situations where I was particularly anxious. Although you've said that you're currently stable, the fact that your yawns worry you enough to post here shows that you're still experiencing anxiety. Much like most anxiety, its a vicious circle, and the more you worry about your yawning the more you're going to yawn.

I would take comfort in the fact that excessive yawning is not a symptom of anything other then tiredness or anxiety due to hyperventilation. Hyperventilation can still occur even when you "don't feel anxious". When I had CBT, I was taught that one extra breath every minute is enough to lead to hyperventilation. My advice would be to firstly make sure that you're getting enough sleep, and second to use breathing exercises to try and regulate your breathing. I breathe in for two seconds, out for two seconds for a bit, then breathe in for two seconds, hold for two, breathe out two, hold two. And then once I'm comfortable with that, I increase it to in three, hold three, out three, hold three. Try this and see if it makes a difference.

As for the fullness and acid in your phlem, maybe you should go to the doctor to see if you have acid reflux?