View Full Version : Returning to work, not ready?

12-06-16, 19:45
About 5 weeks ago I ended up in A+E thinking I was dying. Long story short I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression. I don't fully trust that this is the cause of all my issues. I have neck problems, if I sit in a certain position, walk around too much or carry a heavy bag I get weird spasms in my head. I'm convinced its something spinal but nobody seems to want to investigate because the spasms make me anxious and they seem to think its the anxiety that make the spasms happen.. Bit of a chicken and egg situation.
I've had 4 weeks off work so far and I'm due to go back on Wednesday. I started sertraline 5 weeks ago. I feel myself slipping back into a constant state of tension and anxiety. All I can think about is going back to work and that I'm going to freak out or completely fail at my job once I get there. I'm a cleaner, I can barely clean my own house at the moment let alone an entire gym (where I work)
I'm scared that If I go back to the doctor he won't let me have more time off or think I'm being lazy. I haven't had any therapy yet and my first session is on Wednesday. So basically I've been doing this alone. I don't think its unreasonable to ask for more time as I know that once I go back to work I'll be back to square one, especially since I haven't learned any coping methods and I'm not "better" .
Any advice? Do I ask for more time and risk being viewed as a dosser? Or do I go back and potentially reverse any progress I have made (which is small but its something)

12-06-16, 22:23
Ask for more time (and you won't be thought of as a dosser). Have you reviewed your meds? You should be starting to see some improvement by now, but it could take a while to see the full effect, or you may need to increase the dose. I also think you'll feel more able to cope once you've had some counselling.
If you don't feel ready to go back then don't. Better to take the time now and get properly well than to go back too soon and risk making yourself feel worse.
Look after yourself x

13-06-16, 00:11
I've seen my GP once since I started, he decided to keep me on 50mg as there was an improvement. I've had a good couple of weeks with a few blips here and there, but I seem to recover from those episodes easier now. I went almost 2 weeks without having the head spasm feeling, but a couple of days ago it happened again and it's sent me spiralling.

I was concerned about increasing the dose earlier on when I first started as the first two weeks were horrendous. But now the side effects have pretty much worn off I think an increase in dosage could be a good thing.

I guess I'm just feeling anxious about asking for more time! But i think you're right and it is what I need!
Thank you :)

13-06-16, 01:23
It sounds like you aren't ready to go back to work and the anxiety about this may have made you have spasms again?

I tried to go back to work before I was ready and ended up worse and ultimately couldn't go back so I'd recommend taking all the time you need and are able to take off.

13-06-16, 19:32
That's probably right you know. I hate that place more than anything in the world. I also know my co-workers will be peed off about me having time off as they are when anybody is absent for a long time.
It's probably time to look for another job!

13-06-16, 19:43
If you hate it that much, I'd say it's time to look for another job