View Full Version : Really worried about brown spotting/discharge

12-06-16, 21:19
Ive had brown discharge for 10 days now (2 days where is stopped in between). Ive had this in the past but never for so long normally 2/3 days after a period. My last period was 3 weeks late. My smears are up to date, last one last year and all been normal. My GP looked at my cervix in April and said its normal. Been to see a different GP who did swabs last week. I am so worried that this is cancer, I cant think what else it could be.

I am 36.

12-06-16, 21:29
Ive had brown discharge for 10 days now (2 days where is stopped in between). Ive had this in the past but never for so long normally 2/3 days after a period. My last period was 3 weeks late. My smears are up to date, last one last year and all been normal. My GP looked at my cervix in April and said its normal. Been to see a different GP who did swabs last week. I am so worried that this is cancer, I cant think what else it could be.

I am 36.

Hello, I have seen you have already posted about this and a member (sorry, can't remember who) said they have it at the moment and you never replied to them. It's such a common thing to have. I had it 2 weeks after my period ended last month. Yes it can be scary but it's normal. It's not cancer. You have to try and occupy your mind and wait for the results which i'm sure will come back fine. If you're still worried, try and see a GP tomorrow. There's not much more advice to give you i'm afraid besides just wait for the results which should be back soon. :)

12-06-16, 21:35

Thanks for your reply.
I normally get the browny stuff after my period, but this all started nearly a week after my period ended......... and its not ended now.........

12-06-16, 21:53

Thanks for your reply.
I normally get the browny stuff after my period, but this all started nearly a week after my period ended......... and its not ended now.........

Then I'd advise you to go to your GP tomorrow then if you can get an appointment. :)

12-06-16, 22:04
Thanks for your reply.

I will try and get an appt. Im just hoping its nothing but its been going on for over a week on and off. I saw my GP last week who suggested the swabs.

13-06-16, 13:42
are you pregnant?

13-06-16, 14:44
I've had this so much in the past and it was nothing, so try not to worry. To put things into perspective I have been bleeding irregularly for 18 months. I bleed probably 15 to 20 days out of each month. My cervix was inflamed and I went on to have 2 ultrasounds, swabs, smears, colposcopys and biopsies and everything was fine. Our lady bits are so so sensitive to how our hormones, so you will probably find it gets worse the more you worry xx

13-06-16, 15:10
Thanks for all your replies.

Anxietyoverload - was yours brown too?

13-06-16, 15:14
I don't get it anymore, just fresh blood. I used to get t when I was on the pill and it was old brown blood randomly xx

13-06-16, 15:24
Im not on any contraception which is what is making me worried.....
Will just have to calm down and see how it goes......