View Full Version : When do you take yours?

12-06-16, 22:19
I'm getting a bit anxious about when I take my tablet. I've been on citalopram a long time but recently I've been getting anxious about when I take it. I take it at night around 11pm. Does it have to be at exactly the same time? Sometimes it's half 10 sometimes half 11. Sometimes I want an early night but find myself waiting up to take my tablet? Does it effect serotonin levels if it's not exactly the same time? Any help appreciated

12-06-16, 22:28
I take mine when I wake up in the morning. It can be any time between 5.30am and 8am. Once I forgot to take it and didn't remember until 1pm - nothing untowards happened.

12-06-16, 22:46
Any time between 6pm & 11pm x

12-06-16, 23:41
I take mine a night! The cit makes me tired and actually puts me to sleep. I take it anywhere between 9pm-11pm.

How long have you been on Cit and how many mg? How are you holding up are you anxiety and depression free?

13-06-16, 06:38
I don't know what's goin on to be honest. I've been on it nearly 10 years 20mg and I feel anxious nearly everyday. I try and manage it as best I can. Don't really suffer depression as much. On the waiting list for cbt

18-06-16, 01:57
Take mine at 8pm so its in my system for winding down to sleep xx