View Full Version : Guidance needed on neck/throat/breathing issues

12-06-16, 23:47
My normal anxiety issues are around my heart, and occasional breathlessness. I've had those for years now and I've got used to them.

Recently, over the last few months, but especially the last few weeks, I've been getting a weird sensation in my throat, and middle upper chest. I can't really describe it, but it makes my breathing go "weird". It's like it catches, but doesn't really. It's like if you put your chin on your chest and breathe - it feels a little different, like something's irritating it or it's coming through in little small waves. It feels a bit like someone pushing down in on your chest for a second then letting go. Its a suffocatingy type sensation. It's really hard to describe - I wish I could because then I could tell the doctor!

I feel like I've noticed my voice go a little more high pitched than normal, and definitely feel like it strains quicker. I'm often having to do little coughs to try and clear my throat although it doesn't work. It feels a bit liquidy in my throat.

Also, I'm getting annoying pains, like a deep hunger pain for no reason, tight pains in my middle back and collar bone like I need to click it out, its like a crampy pain for a second or two. My natural resting position feels awkward and uncomfortable.

Lastly, my entire throat, like the entire front part of my neck, feels heavy! Again, a weird feeling to describe, but it feels tight like there's something solid in there.

Why are all my symptoms hard to describe!! I'm just scared of not explaining myself properly and doctors missing something.

Obviously, Google mentions acid reflux or stomach ulcer. I don't have any other symptoms of either though - no nausea, no weight loss, no tenderness, no vomiting, no anaemia, tiredness levels are low but not too bad, appetite good, and actually no real pain, i.e. my aches don't need a painkiller, they're just uncomfy.

I'm willing to assign these feelings to anxiety, but my question is, if anxiety cause an increase in acid, or an increase in digestive issues, or tightens the breathing/throat muscles - can that be actually dangerous, or if it's anxiety, does that mean it's relatively safe to live with for a while?

The doctor, from my weak explanation of symptoms, did prescribe omeprazolone or something for the acid, but I'm a little afraid to take them in case it's not that, and the tablets cause problems if my acid levels are actually fine. Catch 22!

Thanks in advance.

13-06-16, 21:26
Does any of this make sense to anyone?

13-06-16, 22:22
Fishmanpa, when you actually had the actual illnesses, did you immediately know, or was it tough at first to know the difference between real symptoms and anxiety symptoms?

I figured I'd answer here as this is your concern and thread.

I don't suffer from anxiety but I didn't really have any "symptoms" so to speak. I had a sinus infection with swollen nodes. After antibiotics, the swelling went down sans one hard immovable node on the left side of my neck. Two more rounds of antibiotics and the node was still growing, rock hard, painless and immovable.

Most people I know that are survivors were much the same. Unfortunately, with head and neck cancers, by the time you start to actually have symptoms, it's pretty far along. If you are having symptoms as you describe there would be no mistaking it from a medical standpoint. By the time I went for surgery (over two months after diagnosis at stage IV) it looked like I had the mumps on the left side of my neck and I was having pain and discomfort from the tumors pressing on internal neck structures.

What you describe in no way presents like anything I experienced nor anyone else I know described their symptoms.

You addressed this with another member and know full well that your anxiety can cause the symptoms you feel ;)

Positive thoughts

13-06-16, 23:12
I know it's likely to be anxiety, but I struggle when the pains or sensations change. I've had heart concerns, now its more focused on the weird breath catching thing and a heavy throat feeling. The random changeability of symptoms brings about the doubts in my head, and puts me back a few steps.

By the way, glad you seem ok now. Congrats on surviving it and being in such a good mental place!