View Full Version : Anxiety Sucks!

13-06-16, 04:31
Background information: I'm a 22 year old male from Canada.


I have suffered minor anxiety my whole life worrying about things or being socially (not REALLY anxious) awkward. I remember in Elementary School and High School I would always get this really bad feeling in my stomach when I was about to do a test, or even worse when I would have to get up in front of the class to make a presentation. I would be so shaky that it would be noticeable and it would feel even more embarrassing.
This went away out of high school and I started becoming more social and okay with social situations. I stopped being self-conscious and worrying about every little thing and became "normal" without anxiety.

Skip to now.
Back in December/January I had what I thought was having a heart attack (felt HUGE waves of heat going from my head down to my toes, heart started pounding out of my chest, felt faint and felt like I was going to pass out shortly after that) after I felt like I had something stuck in my throat. Paramedics came, checked me out, they said I was fine and offered to take me to the hospital anyways. I obviously took the offer and was checked out. Over 3 hours I was sitting there they did some tests and ultimately came to the conclusion that I was fine and that it was just anxiety. I was fine for a couple of days and then randomly I was not able to take a deep breath - which felt like there was something wrong with my lungs. I went to my doctor and he said it was just anxiety. 3-4 weeks pass after being in bed not being able to do anything until I start to notice it going away after I stop thinking about it and realizing it WAS just anxiety. I was fine for 4-5 months. I've obviously had minor bouts of anxiety attacks here and there where I feel those waves of heat and my heart start to speed up and pound, but I am able to calm myself down and make it go away because I "know what it is and can shrug it off as just being anxiety."

Anyways yeah. And now I'm having more anxiety because I have upper shoulder pain (near the base of my neck) and I know it's probably how I slept a couple days ago but in the back of my mind my anxiety monster is telling me it's a tumour wedging its way between my vertebrates. I'm also having that hard time taking a deep breath again. Not to mention my throat and nose feel really congested making it feel like my throat is closing up.

To deal with my anxiety I try to do stuff to distract me (I play online games such as World of Warcraft, and Counter-Strike). I find that socializing keeps me distracted and in high spirits.

Oh and I forgot to mention I was put on Escitalopram 0.5mg (Cipralex, Lexapro are names), which is half a tablet back in January.

Anyways I'm rambling about my problems. I'm sure there's people out there with much worse problems.

TL;DR: I never had bad anxiety until January this year and have been suffering health anxiety terribly since then. Sorry for the wall of text!

13-06-16, 04:38
Hiya AnxietySuckss and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

13-06-16, 13:31
Good morning AnxietySuckss. I totally get where your coming from and you have come to the right place for support. For a number of years, to this day, I suffer from panic/anxiety mostly over health issues. Just two weeks ago I called the EMT's because my face and left hand went numb. I am 53 with heart issues, so they did stroke protocol and checked me out. I discovered it resulted from a pinched nerve instead.

The thing is before panic/anxiety set in, I never really had health issues or at least they were not at the forefront of my mind. It seems once anxiety and/or panic kicked in the ball started rolling. The thing to remember is you may never figure out the exact cause of this, the thing is know it's there and to not fear it.

The good thing is you are being proactive in getting help. So continue coming to this site. Read up on the various therapies that treat our shared condition and seek the one that works best for you. In my situation I use medication and cognitive therapy, along with mediation. But you find your own path to living fully. Best to you.