View Full Version : I can't sleep

13-06-16, 12:49
I have had sleep issues since I was a kid really.. I get so stressed if I can't sleep and then feel so anxious and worn out the next day. I also have anxiety around sleeping away from home. I actually got over this fear about 2 years ago and started staying away from home and going on holidays again but this year it came back and I'm currently in Thailand. I'm so exhausted and haven't slept a proper night in a week! I took a Valium about 3 hours ago and that didn't even help me get some shut eye, the more sleep deprived I get the more irrational and anxious I feel. It's eating into my holiday and I just want to feel better :(

14-06-16, 00:48
Hi commins
I know how you're feeling and you're right it's like a vicious cycle with anxiety and sleep.
what dose of Valium are you taking? Personally I don't find benzos that great to aid sleep.
You could go and see a local doc there and get something like zopiclone to help you through the holiday and then see your own doc when you get back for a long term solution.
All the best

14-06-16, 11:18
If you do get a prescription for zopiclone do not be alarmed if it gives you strange metallic taste in your mouth.Its a common side effect but could freak you out if you don't expect it. Drinking milk with it can help with the taste problem.

I.m looking for natural sleep aids, trying out chamomile tea. Maybe try this when you get home if you haven't already. Good luck.