View Full Version : headaches constant

anx mum
13-06-16, 16:46
Hi can anyone relate to my symptoms. I've been getting severe headaches for 2 months co state. Been all over head. Also feel dizzy. Scared and worried. Had ct scan came bk clear. Really confused :weep:

13-06-16, 17:42
Don't worry about it, that's making it worse. I recently had two months of constant headaches and dizziness. I had been feeling very anxious and it was defnitely due to that. Now that my anxiety has calmed down those symptoms have vanished.
Have you been very stressed lately?
If the ct scan came back clear you don't have that worry anymore.
I know how awful it is. I went for gentle walks and drank lots of water. But above all you need to try and relax. I hope your head feels better really soon.

anx mum
13-06-16, 17:52
Did u put yours down to stress? Just hoping there gonna go. Makes it worse as my mum died from head bleed. As u can imagine my anxiety is sky high. How did yours go? Did u take anything? Thanks

13-06-16, 18:05
I know how you feel. A very close friend of mine died of the same thing.
If your anxiety is sky high then of course your headaches will continue.
You were very brave to have a ct scan and since you got an all clear that's cause enough for you to relax.
Is that why your anxiety is so bad or is there something else causing it?
You need to address your anxiety issues in order to get better.

I only took paracetamol, but I can't say they really helped. I do have lorazepam for my anxiety but am too scared to take it which is probably why my head aches continued for so long.

If you can take medication ask your doctor for something to relax you which should help with the headaches and ask for something stronger than paracetamol as well.

As I said, I did lots of walking in the fresh air and drank lots of water and just concentrated on doing anything that relaxed me.

anx mum
13-06-16, 18:19
Thanks hun. Think it is because of my mum died suddenly. We were close. I'm taking lorezpam too. And hospital put me on naproxen. Just feel I'm in a maze and can't get out.

13-06-16, 18:29
Does lorazepam help at all? IVe been too scared to take mine.

anx mum
13-06-16, 18:48
Think it does help abit I take 2 tablets a day. Used to be on diazpam. Had no side effects.