View Full Version : Uvula problem

13-06-16, 18:03
Every now and again, I wake up to find my uvula has extended to 3 times its normal size, meaning I can’t swallow easily and breathing through my mouth is also difficult. It’s horrible! It feels like you have a massive piece of phlegm in your throat that you can’t clear, and if you have a drink it feels like you might swallow it!

Researching on it I found swollen uvula (http://www.belmarrahealth.com/swollen-uvula-causes-and-symptoms-treating-uvulitis-with-natural-home-remedies/) , apparently it can be caused by a number of things and is often a sign of infection. However, it has usually gone back to normal by the end of the day. It is such a bizarre sensation and very uncomfortable. The first time it happened I panicked a bit, but I’m used to it now. It happens to me about once a year or so.

Any experience something similar?