View Full Version : DVT Fear

13-06-16, 19:49
Hi guys me again sorry

Ive now got a crampy sensation in my left leg (no swelling no heat no redness) and im now para about a dvt. Ive had a fear and experience like this before but paranoid just now. Ive not been doing much the last few days, still walking about (not massive amounts but not staying still all day either) and trying to go a walk with little one every day but still freaked out.

Anyone got pearls of wisdom? I hate this, one fear to another!!!

14-06-16, 09:29
You'd know if you had DVT, every step would be agony.

14-06-16, 12:34
I agree! I have had 4 bouts of DVT & PE & you would know if you had clots in your Deep veins!

15-06-16, 22:35
Considering this is my fear right now too... Is the pain excruciating? I'm pretty sure I have sciatica but of course blood clots sounds so scary and I'm afraid. Basically I have no visible
Redness or swelling but my leg feels so much tingly and weird sensations and when I'm sitting it feels like it's going numb. Feels better when walking....

16-06-16, 12:19
Thabks guys. That fears gone, back to big C :/ I frigging hate this HA. Cbt this afternoon, hopefully itll help a bit. Willow acres wasnt really painful just an annoying nighle. Probably to do with restless legs i think xx

23-08-16, 21:44
Hi all

Been away for a while but need some reassurance/advice.

The last couple of days ive had a crampy pulling sensation in my lower left calf, at the side on the front of the shin. It cones and goes, worse when walking about. No redness or swelling. Ive been wearing really flat boots and a new pair of boots so i dont know if thats playing a part.

Of course my HA is screaming that its a dvt but rationally think its to do with shoes/ muscle ache. Been walking daily, swimming and up and downstairs etc, so been active and not flown recently so obv highly unlikely to be a dvt but can feel the panic bubbling.

Thanks in advance xx

23-08-16, 21:48

I will merge this thread with the previous one on the same subject. Hopefully that will reassure you.


23-08-16, 22:14
Blood lots have always been a major fear for me too, so I absolutely understand where you are coming from. All I can do is tell myself what makes it not likely or what makes me not a prime candidate for that sort of thing.
Sedentary vs active life style, smoker vs non smoker, birth control pill vs no birth control. I do the same with classic symptoms heat vs no heat, skin colour, swelling vs no swelling.

I have been able to, by making my own personal list, based on my own factors, talk myself down from that fear when it appears.

I also try to remember all the times I have felt or feared that and it wasn't true. I use those as building blocks of evidence in times of future fears.

It doesn't *always* work, but it helps me to feel like I have a little more control of the fear before it spirals out.

Try and find things that distract you and take notice of moments you *don't* feel the pain. Those are moments worth repeating/reincorporating into your life.

All the best,

23-08-16, 22:29
Thanks Elen and Dora.

Im just really paranoid (my uncle recently had a bypass on his leg for a blocked artery which doesnt help) The more i pay attention its certain ways i walk/move my leg & can see a vein right under the skin in achey area so think it is muscular or maybe a varicose vein but still the omg omg thoughts. See how it is over the next few days and wear more supportive shoes and see how it goes. I really hate HA :( xx

07-09-16, 06:11
Hope it's not too late to join in on this. I too am scared out of my mind of dvt and pulmonary embolism. The pain in my right calf started Aug 16. It comes and goes. Not always in the same spot. It aches. Sometimes it feels like it's pulsing. I had a Dr do a physical exam on my legs 2 weeks ago (no ultrasound. No d dimer as I'm pregnant and apparently it would be inaccurate) and was told on the scoring system for one I was a -2 no need to fear one. Went to my family doctor today to go over blood work for pregnancy test as I'm 6 weeks and very aware now that I'm at even higher risk.... I mentioned my pain and concern to her. She felt both calves quickly stated they are too soft to be a clot. Suggested calcium supplement to take with my prenatal vitamin as its likely pregnancy symptom.. but no matter what I'm told because of no verification from a ultrasound that gives me a 100% validation my mind is consumed. I'm poking I'm prodding I'm massaging I'm trying different tests the Internet suggest I'm feeling for pulses in my foot I'm comparing and lastly I'm reading God awful clot stories that end fatally on the trusted Google. Somebody help me please. I have no other predisposition... I'm 31 . 20 lbs overweight I don't smoke or drink. My bp is good. Haven't been on a birth control pill in almost 2 years. My bad cholesterol is slightly higher. But my good cholesterol is high as well which apparently is good. I just need some reassurance. Please

07-09-16, 10:21
My brother died of a pulmonary embolism, on a Sunday night in hospital two weeks after he had been hospitalised for a duodenal bleed, aged 55. The phone call came to me late on Sunday night from a nurse, it seemed to come from a thousand miles away.

The next day I went to the hospital and collected my brother's belongings, which they had put in a plastic garbage bag.

All of which sounds really scary, but it happens. Lots of awful things might happen, and eventually one of them will. It's understanding the eventually bit, and enjoying life while you have it.