View Full Version : Omg I Have A Hernia So Worried

15-03-07, 15:57
Hi i have just been to the doctors to get a check up womens stuff you know and i told the doc that my belly button looks weird and sticks out since i had my daughter 2 years ago she checked it told me to cough and then told me i have a hernia that needs to be fixed so i have to go into hospital soon to have an operation i am keching myself now i have been told not to worry but i hate the thought of getting put to sleep as i suffer ectopics i know in the past that when i got put to sleep before they said that having ectopics wouldnt matter but i am also scared that the hernia might get worse while i wait for the op :ohmy: please can some one reassure me that a hernia is a simple op and if anyone has had one im freaking out love juliexxx

15-03-07, 18:56
Yep a hernia repair is a simple op,you will be up and about in no time, try not to worry about it.

Freaky Chick
15-03-07, 19:21
hey julie

please don't worry about having a hernia too much, they are very common and simple to fix. Your's is probably what is know as an umbilical hernia, as it is by your belly button.

A hernia is a small weakness in the muscle wall which has allowed a bit of the intestine to poke through.

Umbilical hernias are really common in babies, and you have probably always had a small weakness in that muscle, and it just got over stretched when your tummy expanded during pregnancy. You've had no problems with it for 2 years, there is no reason for problems to start now. It is fine as long as it doesn't get really really painful (about as painful as giving birth!!)

The repair is really simple as well, it is day surgery, sometimes they will do it under local anaesthetic if you want. They just make a small incision, push your intestine back through the muscle wall, and either stitch the muscle back together, or put a small patch on it to strengthen it.

Then just steer clear of picking up anything heavy for a few weeks (unfortunately including your little one, especially from floor or low level anyway), and make sure you bend at the knees not the waist when bending down and no sit ups etc! it takes 8 weeks to be at it's strongest, so if you can get someone to do all your heavy stuff that long better, but if not then a couple of weeks will do!

It really is a simple cure, with no lasting after effects. and it will make you feel better when you look down and it's not there anymore.

hope this helps. Please don't worry too much.

Love and hugs Freaky chick

15-03-07, 22:11
Thank you Nell and Freaky chick i DO feel a lot better now i have spoke to a few people in my family and they have all said the same thing i was so angry and upset that i have been to the docs a few times about my tummy being bloated and sore and they have never mentioned my abnormal belly button then i go today to get my breast checked and the new doc noticed and said i have a hernia i was taken aback a bit know what i mean but i am glad that in a few months my belly button will not look so freaky now lol thanks again love Julie xxxx

15-03-07, 22:25

Click on search above, go to advanced and enter the word hernia and select title only

A few posts there