View Full Version : Disturbing symptoms during the night, every night...

14-06-16, 03:55
I am posting now at nearly 4am after another sleepless night due to frightening symptoms including my right arm feeling heavy, tingling sensations, numbness, migraines (with visual disturbances) and subsequent panic attacks. I find that I immediately think I either have a neurological problem or I am having a full blown stroke, but by morning it's not on my mind. The timing seems to suggest that it's all in my head, but has anyone had anything like this before with the specific timing? It happens at around 1am. I am afraid to let it go in case it's some kind of warning sign but I have a history of my anxiety almost making me imagine symptoms, especially since my dad passed away. If it helps I've had other weird things going on such as shedding more hair than usual, random ~4lb weight gain and nausea.