View Full Version : travel anxiety

14-06-16, 06:09
Hello all,

I am new to this forum and I hope to not only find comfort in hearing from people going through similar struggles, but I hope to help all of you in some way.

I have always had anxiety but I didn't have my first panic attack until about one year ago. Since my first panic attack things have just gotten so much worse for me. I now live with the fear of a panic attack happening at any moment. I don't enjoy going out to eat anymore, or being places that I can't quickly escape (like classes). This has made my college experience much more difficult.

I've also been planning a trip abroad for a year now and the trip is about a month away but I don't know how I will make it with my anxiety as bad as it is. I've considered canceling the trip but I don't want my anxiety to control my life anymore. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

14-06-16, 06:17
Hiya DaniRose and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

14-06-16, 13:59
Hi Dani Rose, I know exactly how you feel. My trip is tonight! I've been having terribly anxiety for two days now leading up to the trip. I hate the feeling so much I've considered canceling the trip as well. I even let my travel partner know that there was a possibility I wasn't going to be able to meet her in Scotland like we planned. But here's what I realized earlier this morning: this awful feeling of being trapped...it isn't tied to a particular place - it's tied to my mind. Its easy to think that by canceling my trip and avoiding the whole situation that I will "escape" this feeling. But really, its a short term solution to a long term battle. To this end, I think people like you and me have to face our fears on some level - we have to at least try. And guess what? If its really too much to handle, it's ok! We can always turn around and come home if we really need to. I told myself this morning that I'm getting on the plane and I'm going to see how I feel when I reach my destination. If I can't get any relief, I told myself I would just be honest with myself and my travel buddies and I set aside some money in my account for an emergency plane ticket to my family home. Just having a contingency plan makes me feel the tiniest bit better. And if it does turn out that I can't do the whole 8 day trip this time around, I will at least be able to pat myself on the back for giving it the ol' college try and making an informed decision on what I'm actually feeling in that moment instead of making a decision NOW based on what my perception of what I MIGHT feel in a future moment I don't actually know anything about. I feel for you! Good luck!

14-06-16, 14:19
Wise words Molly11!

Hi DanniRose, I love that you want to help others as well as find help, what a great attitude!
Sorry to hear you're going through hard times. The success stories forum can be really helpful to look at too, lots of useful information in there.

14-06-16, 15:33
Hi Dani,
I'm new to this group Too and you are the first person I have replied to.
so hello to you.
I'll keep this short and to the point.
I can relate to how you feel.
Everyday I feel anxious whether its making the journey to the local shop or going to meet a friend.
I'm always anxious.
in fact about 3 weeks ago I was in a real state of anxiety because I had a date with a friend and I felt so nervous.
but I faced it and it turned out OK.
I of course had to take my medication to calm my nerves otherwise I would have been a nervous wreck.
I think its just one of the ways that Anxiety affects us Dani.
but try to remember that there really is nothing for you to worry about.
even though that is often easier said than done.
maybe asking your GP for medication tailored to calm your nerves would help make traveling less nerve wracking?
I really do understand how you feel
and I hope that reassures you that you are not alone and that there are many people that have anxiety disorders like you...me included.
if you ever need someone to talk to just write OK.
you take care
best wishes