View Full Version : Job interview

14-06-16, 07:35

Yesterday I went for a job interview. I got there a few mins late and was told I was not allowed to do the interview (we were pre-warned this). As you can imagine I felt very nervous, but it's normal to feel nervous for a job interview. I'm in the process of increasing my meds and the hour long group interview scenario in all honesty would have been too much. It was only a low paid agency job.

The email asked us if we have any illness that they should know about.

My question is, should I have said I suffer from a social based anxiety, and the group interview would be almost impossible? Would this have worked for or against me? I probably could do the job well.

Many thanks.

14-06-16, 09:14

Good on you for at least attempting a job interview, its a real positive step!

I do wonder if there's a chance you were late accidentally on purpose as you weren't ready or did't feel up to the interview? It's amazing how we can self-sabotage without knowing we are doing it.

It's a tough one regarding telling your employer about having a mental illness. They are not allowed to discriminate but I expect they do. I'd probably want to keep that to myself.

Maybe the next time will be the ticket!

14-06-16, 10:01
Hi Sharon

Thanks for replying. There's something in that about self sabotage. I felt very nervous before (I went to the wrong place initially). As soon as I knew I'd blown it my nerves went. Yes, a positive step that I'd gone there, but as I say the group interview would have been virtually impossible.

Saying you've a mental illness before you begin will put you on the no pile I'm sure. Thinking about it, the job requires you to be fit, if someone waddles in obviously very overweight they probably wouldn't get it either, and at least we can try to hide our problems!

Anyway, it wasn't for me. Something will turn up.

18-06-16, 05:31
Well i think you should keep this for yourself .At first dont say this to employer because will put a etichete beased on your social anxiety .Pass the interview , do a good job and then will accept you with your mental ilness

18-06-16, 07:35
You're right George. You don't want to come across as awkward even before you start, even if you have a legitimate problem. Will check out your link now.

---------- Post added at 07:35 ---------- Previous post was at 07:29 ----------

The programme seems absolutely perfect for someone like me. Will certainly consider doing it.

18-06-16, 10:54
It's spam. Market affiliates just trying to get people to purchase their product so they get their commission.

---------- Post added at 10:54 ---------- Previous post was at 10:29 ----------

It's spam. Market affiliates just trying to get people to purchase their product so they get their commission.

This is what he earns off anyone he can:


Notice the author is happy to sell to businesses. People who have no interest.

These types of people create fake reviews to appear genuine.

18-06-16, 12:40
Thanks for the warning. I wasn't going to get it anyway, but I'll be extra cautious of these people in future.

There's so much of this type of thing for free on the Internet, but the whole area is a multi million pound industry, people preying on the vulnerable. It's disgusting.