View Full Version : What would you do in my situation? :/

14-06-16, 10:15
So a while ago (like a year and a few months) I started to get fasciculations. Thought nothing of it, fast forward a month or so and I have a slight tremor in my arms. Fast forward to now and I have partial loss of sensation, tingling all over my body once or twice a day, A tremor when, for example, holding a sit up on the first try, makes my entire body shake like crazy, and heart palpitations like no ones buisness. I cant afford health insurance (I live in the states) and went to the ER and they gave me piss/blood work and CT scan of the brain and an ECG. All that came back normal but he told me i need an MRI to rule things out. So for me now its basically sit around and wait to die / see if anything is wrong with me or walk into the hospital and cry like a baby and beg for medical treatment. fml :/ Help? Thanks for any responses :))

Edit: Also I know we're not supposed to ask for medical advice but I'm at a loss.

14-06-16, 12:53
Obviously no one can tell you what's going on but medical tests thus far have ruled out anything sinister. Do you need an MRI? I would spring the $$ to see a GP to review the test results and determine what's causing your symptoms and a course of action but the fact you're posting here speaks volumes ;)

Now.... concerning health insurance in the US. It's a can of worms for sure but I can tell you the bill you're going to get from the ER will most certainly cause you to quiver! Look into a plan through Obamacare. Based on your income, you can get some basic coverage that won't break the bank.

Positive thoughts