View Full Version : Anyone??? Before I freak out

14-06-16, 11:44
I am freaking out at the mo as I have stabbing pains in the right side of my chest. Logic says its muscular as I've recently started exercising or it could be because my period is due. But it is scaring me. I also tired, emotional, have cried for past half hour. Not so logical is telling me I need to see a doc NOW. Please anyone.

14-06-16, 12:05
Anxiety will make that pain much worse. Take a deep breath and a step back with me. Considering its been half an hour, assuming the pain isnt so horrible it's a heart attack, you can rule that out. If you think it is an emergency please contact an ambulance. Its very likely nothing serious. I too get pretty bad pain right of my chest sometimes. :) walk around and see how you feel, you very well could just be having a panic attack about it.

14-06-16, 12:36
Considering the amount of time its been going on and the fact you're able to post here means it probably isnt anything serious. Anxiety can definitely cause stabbing chest pains as it has with me in the past when i've been particularly stressed. My doc told me it was stress related, and whilst I didnt believe him, once my exams were over the pains went away. Try to calm down by getting into bed and watching a movie or by doing breathing exercises. If the pain is frequent and doesn't stop after a few hours, or if extra symptoms start to accompany it, then maybe think about going to see a doc. But it doesn't sound urgent to me.