View Full Version : Dosage ups and downs

14-06-16, 11:57
Just having a bit of an awful day so wanted to vent. Any words of support or advice appreciated.

I've been on 20mg for about five years - I suffer with OCD and anxiety (and depression, but I think that's because of the first two), and had a relapse of symptoms lately. My GP put me up to 30mg, but after a couple of weeks of this I found I was having really bad headaches and neck/jaw pain so the GP took me back down to 20mg a week ago.

The headaches have pretty much gone but I'm just feeling pretty awful mentally now - on one level I know that the serotonin levels in my brain will have been going crazy (no pun intended) with all these changes in dosage, but on another level I just feel like now I'm either on edge or feeling miserable, and I just can't stop myself getting into really negative thought patterns and worrying.

I've been referred to my local mental health trust but that was almost a month ago and I've not heard anything yet (I know these things take time), but I just feel so frustrated - I'd thought the citalopram had been keeping me on an even keel for the past few years but this recent blip has really got to me. It feels like if I'm not in the grip of anxious thoughts and obsessive rumination, I'm feeling low and pessimistic because of the times I am feeling like that. I'm sat here at work feeling close to tears.

14-06-16, 16:22

I can relate to this as I've recently went through the same thing. My doctor doubled my dose to 40mg which was too much too soon so I went back down to 30mg. I felt better but not myself. Last night I upped the tablets again but doing it at 5mg at a time, today I'm very shaky and feel anxious and a bit teary but I know it's just my body adjusting to the dose. I seem to be very sensitive to any dosage changes. Sometimes I think the tears are just because I'm frustrated things aren't better yet plus my brain is still trying to generate anxious thoughts, I'm just trying to occupy myself with other things.

It is rotten but you will get there, we just forget how bad things feel when we're in the depths of anxiety and depression. Hang in there x