View Full Version : Citalopram/Propranolol/Alcohol

14-06-16, 12:03
I am now on 20mg Citalopram which has turned my life around, best thing I have ever done was give in and take these. I am now slowly weaning off the beta blockers propranolol (now on around 2x20mg per day) as well which is great as it means I will only be taking Citalopram once per day and that's it. Does anyone have any experience with both of these and alcohol? Would really like to try a few drinks, I know it can make anxiety worse but I miss having a few beers.

14-06-16, 12:24
I've been on citalopram for a few years, and once I was "stabilised" on it didn't notice any issues. On the other hand, I had my dose changed recently and noticed that I seemed to get a lot drunker than I normally do, and my hangxiety was pretty bad, so if you've just started on the citalopram that may be something to bear in mind. Maybe try just having a couple of beers first and see how you get on with that?

14-06-16, 19:25
I take citalopram and propranolol, although like you I'm trying to wean off the beta blockers. I haven't touched alcohol for almost 10 years now and I don't intend trying it ever again. I have read quite a few posts on the forum from members who have drunk alcohol and had awful anxiety the next day - I just don't think it is worth the risk but it is your decision of course.

14-06-16, 19:42
I stopped drinking too and i hate it.. 1 cos i dont feel any better for it and 2 i feel like i have an hangover everyday with the tension headaches!! The minute i feeling more like myself i will straight back on it.. However now at 10 weeks 20mg and feel rubbish:( when will i ever feel right?? Will i ever feel right?? becoming doubtful! x

15-06-16, 10:25
thanks for the replies. I know alcohol can make things worse but I am only looking to do it socially and have 1/2 beers while out for the evening. I was really just hoping to be reassured that it wouldn't be a lethal combo and I wouldn't die from it haha.

15-06-16, 11:18
I stopped drinking too!!! Its not worth it when it just ends up making you feel worse.

Bike Rider
19-09-16, 18:29
Hi Mort. I take 40mg of Cit daily and 20mg of Prop (beta-blocker) if I feel anxious. I enjoy alcohol and have had no adverse effects with any of it.
http://www.headmeds.org.uk/ take a look at this site, you will find it very interesting. A couple of beers should be fine, I drink because it calms me down and I can get things into perspective.