View Full Version : Anyone tried Escitalopram?

14-06-16, 12:55
I'm thinking of speaking to my GP and stopping the Citalopram as been on it for 4 weeks today and am not much better. Anxiety and panic not as constant as they were but had a few panic attacks again over the last few days which has heightened my health anxiety about having seizures. I'm feeling really rotten - no energy, muscle pains and weakness, no energy, twitching muscles, jerking sometimes in bed which has scared me, hands starting shaking a bit now too plus sweating more especially in bed. I really don't know if it's the tablets causing these symptoms or if it's fibromyalgia or something else. Worried as meant to be going on holiday in 4 weeks so I don't know whether to stick with the tablets and hope for the best (just worried that the tablets are doing damage to my muscles) or try something else like maybe Escitalopram as I read it can have less side effects than Citalopram? Please can anyone give me any advice?

14-06-16, 14:04
I tried escitalopram a fews years ago and within 4 hours I felt awful I had to ring the doctor and only had 1 pill the worst thing I've ever take but we're all different. Do u take propananol? I been taking them.simce last night and the anxiety is ok I've had them a few weeks but didn't want to take them but I wish I'd started them straight away and maybe I wouldn't be where I am now xx

14-06-16, 14:09
No I've never had beta blockers. Still waiting for a 48hr heart monitor sometime. Really don't know what to do. I'm glad the beta blockers are helping you x

14-06-16, 14:59
Yes I was on escitalopram for a couple of months. I really felt no difference between escitalopram and Citalopram. However I still had all of the start up side effects. It also took the same amount of time to fully kick in like three months

However you may do better on it as we are all different. If you go read some of the post in the escitalopram forum you will see people talking about the same issues we are facing on the citalopram.

14-06-16, 15:16
Thanks also, I'm really not sure what to do. I thought that side effects would have passed by now but I seem to be getting more. X

14-06-16, 15:21
I would suggest trying some maybe they will help with anxiety I still have the thoughts I'm going to see a crisis team.tomorrow about the end all xx

14-06-16, 16:40
Hope you get ok ok Becky xx

14-06-16, 16:42
God me too my thinking at the moment and so irrational it's just not me or my personality hope you feel ok soon too think we all wish for it to come every day we wake up xx

14-06-16, 16:50
Sunflower i would suggest you try to stick it out until 8-12 weeks. 4 weeks is so early to try to determine if this is the right med for you. I am in week 10 and I am still struggling, but I know last time i took it it was 3/4 months to be depression/anxiety free. I am a lot better then I was. You are going to mess your body if you keep changing dosages or switch to another med. Your body needs time to adjust and if you keep changing things its possible it could take you longer to recover. Plus its going to be like starting all over again if you switch to a new med. Just some thoughts to keep in mind. :hugs:

14-06-16, 16:57
Yes I suppose you are right. Think I'm looking for a miracle cure to rid me of anxiety! Just can't believe I'm still getting new side effects after 4 weeks! Thanks everyone again. This forum is so helpful x

14-06-16, 17:08
Think we are all looking for a miracle cure maybe one day there will be xx

14-06-16, 19:47
10 weeks in and still struggling too.. but def better than i was so also holding out before increase.. SO hard but everything you mention i experienced when i first started taking it and definitely was still with me at 5 weeks. Started to get easier at 6 weeks but not right by any means. Keep strong but a bit of advice from personal experience. Swapping and changing meds made me alot worse than i was. My head and body didnt know what was happening.. :doh:

14-06-16, 20:37
Thank you also. I had what felt like an adrenaline rush earlier. I was just sitting talking and all of a sudden my heart started beating fast, I could feel my blood pressure rising as my face went red and I had a tingly hot feeling down my back. This has happened a few times before. Does it sound like anxiety to anyone? Thanks

14-06-16, 22:56
Yep I was waking up in the middle of the night with those symptoms. They have gone away...

15-06-16, 07:35
That's good it's gone away for you. It's horrible. I had it before the Citalopram. Was hoping it had gone away.