View Full Version : hello all I'm Trevor...

14-06-16, 15:10
...a fellow anxiety sufferer for 49 years.
at the moment I'm feeling pretty low.
yesterday wasn't good and I felt tired and stressed and ended the day with my brain wracked with anxiety...it was so intense I'm sure I didn't sleep.
most of my anxiety is due to the pressure being applied by my job adviser
who believes I should join a new job search group to help me get back to work.
but I don't feel up to it.
I'm not saying I can't work...its rather my anxiety disorder gets in the way and makes life more difficult than it should be.
and then I have pangs of guilt when I think of say someone like Stevie wonder who is blind and yet has managed to make something of his life.
and yet here I am
with poor eyesight (I'm told its due to my age)
and yet I let anxiety hold me back.
but its not that I am weak minded,
I'm just so wracked with anxiety.
I can't stand still without having to touch my face or hold onto something.
here's an example of how bad my disorder is.
yesterday afternoon a postman delivered a parcel for my next door neighbor
but because she was out at the time he left it with me to give to her when she came home.
well as I was waiting for her to arrive,
I knocked on her door several times
and as I was standing there I started having a panic attack and when that happens I need to hold onto something and my mind is racing and I just feel so anxious.
eventually she came home and I handed her the parcel...but even then I was still anxious but trying hard to appear normal.
I'm like that 24/7 365 days.
and after almost 50 years I just feel so weary...tired mentally and physically...my self esteem is at ground level and I feel vulnerable because I don't know what to do to change the way I feel?
Ive tried many things over the years...relationships...jobs...drugs...alcohol...w ithdrawing from family friends...even getting involved with religion but nothing works...the anxiety is with me day and night no matter what I do.
in fact I am more conscious of the disorder now than Ive ever been.
I know now that I have a serious mental health problem which somehow affects my nerves and makes me prone to worry non stop.
I don't know why I'm this way or what caused it and whether there is a cure?
all I know is that I feel really low...and this has made me prone to depression.
my ex picked up on my depression but I was in denial
but now I know she was right...I am depressed and much of it is due to my anxiety disorder.
but I am also disappointed by the way successive governments deal with people like me.
I feel like I have to fight to be taken seriously...believe me
I would rather be employed doing something I enjoy and doesn't stress me out
but if I am in a state of anxiety 24/7 how can I hold down a job?
also I say again I feel Vulnerable because I often think that maybe if I buy xyz I'll feel a bit better?
but I know I'm kidding myself.
this is why I'm now feeling increasingly fed up and wanting to go...but I worry about how my siblings will feel and people that value and love me more than I do myself.
but I don't want to go through another possible 49 years of non stop anxiety.
my life with this disorder has been horrible.
and as I said it has wrecked my self esteem.
I rarely feel good about myself.
I can't bear to see my face in the mirror.
I often wash myself in the bath with the light off.
yes its that bad.
I don't know what to do?
but I know work isn't the answer.
I need help with this disorder.
I'm waiting to join a cbt group in my local area.
its worth a try although over the years I have joined several groups and I still feel unhappy and still very anxious.
I try to remind myself that other people bear worse burdens in their lives,
but I still feel very unhappy.
I have to be straight and say how I feel.
because I'm tired of covering it up and pretending to feel OK when I don't.
like when I call my mum and she inevitably asks me if I'm OK?
and I yeah not too bad
when really I feel anything but OK.
its just that I don't want to stress her out or leave her worrying about me.
but I find that when I'm open and say how I feel I get a harsh reply like
how can you be feeling tired?
your not even working!!!
and of course that brings me down and I end the call feeling like I should never have called.
if I'm honest I wish I'd never been born.
if I had a say and I knew what I was coming into I would have turned it down.
and I don't think my parents were pleased with my birth anyway.
I never felt loved.
and to this day I'm still not close to my mum or my siblings
and even with friends I find it very hard to relax and come out of my shell.
I like people that I feel I can be myself with...i.e...have trembling fits and admit that I often feel depressed.
but who would want to be with someone like me?

14-06-16, 15:17
Hiya fedup1967 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

14-06-16, 15:23
Thank you
its reassuring to know I am welcome.
I often feel unwelcome and afraid of getting involved with people real time because of the anxiety disorder and painful shyness and all kinds of hang ups.
but don't get me wrong
even though I sound really trapped in myself,
I do have a sense of humor and can be friendly and like to converse .
but when I feel vulnerable I withdraw into my shell and it takes time for me to re emerge.
that's the way I felt yesterday.
anyway I hope to get to make some new friends in here etc.
thanks again for the welcome

Vanilla Sky
14-06-16, 15:31
Hi and welcome to NMP. Come into the chatroom sometime and talk with people who get it . Helped me a lot :)

14-06-16, 15:35
Thanks for the invitation Vanilla
I may go in next time.
Thanks again
kind regards

14-06-16, 18:59
You've come to the right place fed-up1967. :)

The thing is anxiety fuels depression and then depression fuels the anxiety.
It's a continuing battle between to the two.

I hope you make some friends on here.
It has been a lifesaver for me. :)

14-06-16, 20:20
Thanks Carnation.
I agree that depression fuels anxiety and so forth.
but its so hard to turn it around.
and sadly it doesn't take much to make me feel low.
but right now I feel OK so I'm glad and hope it will last.
I hope you have had a good day?
would be nice to exchange words again.
well bye 4 now carnation
and thanks again for your warm welcome.
kind regards