View Full Version : Once The Excitement Wears Of?

15-03-07, 17:27
Do any of yous get this, I can read say a few pages of the Linden Method before bed and it gets me going, I feel better instantly no problems with anxiety, I feel I can do anything.

I go to bed get up the next moring and BAM!!! back to square one again, Same with going to my counsilor, she makes me feel normal, but a few hours later back to square one again. Same with other books etc I read, Claire Weekes etc.

And the worse thing is, thats to the brainfog I can't remember any of the stuff my counsillor says, or what I read in the books.

18-03-07, 03:33
I find this too, I can try something suggested, eg breathing exercises, read a self help book see the doc, go to my support group or whatever, be ok for that day and maybe the next, then .........there it is again. I hate it.

18-03-07, 09:46
Because you need to deal with the emotional driver. All controlled by the un-conscious mind.


19-03-07, 11:49
i to am like that when i am reading books about panic ect i feel i can do this but its like i have said before any postive thought only stays a few min but if it was all wrote in negatives that would stay with me for ever if u get what i mean trish

19-03-07, 16:59
Because you need to deal with the emotional driver. All controlled by the un-conscious mind.


How are you supposed to do this?


existential crisis
20-03-07, 13:59

I totally know what you mean. I think the Claire Weekes explanation is a good one - that your nerves are still sensitised even when happy or seemingly relaxed. I guess thats why we go to bed feeling OK and then the same symptoms are there in the morning - because they are still jangling from the anxiety we have had before! Clare. xxx

20-03-07, 14:43

i've sent you a P.M.
