View Full Version : Worried about terrible head pain during orgasm

14-06-16, 18:50
Sorry if this is TMI for some

The last two weeks I've started to get this really bad headache at the back of my head on the left side that starts just before and continues during orgasm. It then lingers for about 10-20 minutes after.
The pain is not mild its quite bad, I'm really worrying myself it means something is wrong like a tumour or aneurysm or something wrong with circulation I dunno but I've never had this before. It's happened a fair few times now and needless to say it's putting me off!

Anyone had this before or know what it could mean because I'm not googling :weep:

---------- Post added at 18:49 ---------- Previous post was at 16:34 ----------

OK I googled it and I'm crapping myself, it does say it can be something life threatening. And I've also been getting strange numbness and tingling across my shoulders and on different parts of my face

---------- Post added at 18:50 ---------- Previous post was at 18:49 ----------

There are two subtypes of primary sexual headache:[1]

Early coital cephalgia, usually of short duration and moderately severe. It is a tight, cramping, dull pain, often bilateral in the occipital/cervical region, which intensifies as sexual excitement increases. It is associated with an awareness of neck or jaw muscle contraction. It is thought to relate to excessive contraction of the head and neck musculature that occurs prior to orgasm.'

It could be this ^ I have a lot of neck tightness anyway

---------- Post added at 18:50 ---------- Previous post was at 18:50 ----------

Just talking to myself :blush:

15-06-16, 05:36
Anyone? :weep: convinced myself I have an aneurysm

15-06-16, 06:56
Well I've seen a few threads about this exact issue before:


And yes, I've had them too!

I also has many issues with the other feelings involved such as raised HR, spaciness after the fact (:biggrin:), etc. Anxiety is largely about relearning that sensations are normal rather than a constant potential threat and that included anything sex-wise for me both times. *

* that's both times as in breakdown & later relapse, not both times having sex. :biggrin:

15-06-16, 09:15
Well I've seen a few threads about this exact issue before:


And yes, I've had them too!

I also has many issues with the other feelings involved such as raised HR, spaciness after the fact (:biggrin:), etc. Anxiety is largely about relearning that sensations are normal rather than a constant potential threat and that included anything sex-wise for me both times. *

* that's both times as in breakdown & later relapse, not both times having sex. :biggrin:

Thanks Terry. Need to be rational about it not jumping to the worst possible cause :wacko:

The pain is terrible when it happens so I hope its just a passing thing due to how tense I am maybe, anxious to do anything because of it :mad:

15-06-16, 09:23
I had something similar which came on now & again over a couple of weeks. I've gone now.

It was horrible. Literally like something was throbbing at the base of the skull. It went on for ages, hours even. It was making my hunch my shoulders up with each throb and clench my teeth.

I had a Google around for it as I expected it to be nerve related and came across nerve spasm which seemed to fit for me.

It was very unpleasant!

15-06-16, 09:32
I had something similar which came on now & again over a couple of weeks. I've gone now.

It was horrible. Literally like something was throbbing at the base of the skull. It went on for ages, hours even. It was making my hunch my shoulders up with each throb and clench my teeth.

I had a Google around for it as I expected it to be nerve related and came across nerve spasm which seemed to fit for me.

It was very unpleasant!

Yeah sounds similar to me, I know my neck muscles are all out of whack so I suppose something there is likely contributing to it, right at the base of my skull left hand side and the muscle there seems tense when it happens, its awful, read that link you posted and it made me feel better, but it does seem to be mainly men though who get these :huh:

15-06-16, 09:45
There's a few women in this other one I remember. Several of them are active posters, more so on the HA board perhaps:


Excuse the jokes and the tantrums though.

When I had mine I struggled sleeping with it if it happened within a few hours of bedtime. I would be lying there will is still throbbing. I literally couldn't do much of anything until it went as my whole head hurt. It felt like my brain was throbbing!

15-06-16, 10:37
That thread definitely made me laugh :D a little orgasm talk and everyone goes crazy lol

Definitely seems more common than i was thinking it was, as usual, i'm going to try and not think about it(in a negative way) anymore and just see it as one of those things, plus i don't think i should be 'put off' because that may make my anxiety around it even worse.

Really not keen on mentioning it to my regular doctor, he's very old school and i'd feel like i'm speaking to my dad! :roflmao:

15-06-16, 11:11

Perhaps he would be more embarrassed for that very reason? :biggrin:

Yes, avoidance is a no-no really...and who wants to avoid this one?!!! To add a little more smut to the thread...I found issues around sex went away through exposure & repetition! :roflmao:

(and don't be surprised if such things crop up when "going solo" either)

15-06-16, 11:15

Yes that's settled then, no avoidance, less thoughts of bleeding brains, more relaxation and exposure therapy!

(and don't be surprised if such things crop up when "going solo" either)

And i know this! That was my first experience of this disgraceful head pain :ohmy:

15-06-16, 21:09
Regardless of the negative side effect, that had to be some mind blowing sex to cause it to happen! :ohmy:

Positive thoughts

15-06-16, 22:02
Regardless of the negative side effect, that had to be some mind blowing sex to cause it to happen! :ohmy:

Positive thoughts

Well it would have been if it wasn't for the head crusher :roflmao:

Don't know why I'm laughing its god awful but hey ho :wall:

16-06-16, 20:13
OK I'm really worrying about this, I can't 'Do it' at all, as soon as I start 'getting there' the pain comes in the back of my head and around the top, then it's lingering for a good 30 minutes and my head feels full of pressure.

Can this be a benign cause? Because I've got this stupid clicking noise coming from my face when I talk that's been happening for months and lots of pressure in my sinuses.
I don't know how to mention it to my GP tomorrow I know it's daft but I'm too embarrassed, they always make me feel silly anyway let alone if I start mentioning pains in my head on the build up to orgasm!

It's really getting me down, what should I do ?

---------- Post added at 20:13 ---------- Previous post was at 19:51 ----------

I can't find any statistics on brain aneurysms or bleeding on the brain, I want to know how common it is in someone my age because I'm convincing myself there's no other explanation :weep:

21-06-16, 16:41
Hello there!!!
Wow I thought I was alone in this. I totally understand the pain...it's agonising. I get the exact same thing on reaching orgasm and instead of enjoying it I'm sat with my head in my hands crying. I'm 38; I also wee when I orgasm so sex for me now has gone because I can't bear it. I don't know if you get this too but sometimes my ears start buzzing too and feel blocked.
I've never mentioned this to my GP either I've just kinda accepted it and stopped having sex.

Kez x