View Full Version : Anxiety/Work/Mood swings

14-06-16, 19:06

I've not been on here in a while but I've been struggling with my mental health for the past year or so. I currently work full time in a small office and I'm finding sometimes holding down this job very difficult. I was diagnosed with anxiety and panic attacks a few years ago just before I got the current job I'm in. I'm on propranolol but I don't think it seems to help with the anxious thoughts.

In work I've began to obsess about forgetting things to the point that athough I've been there a few years now, I'm feeling the need to write each task down step by step. I'm well aware that this could be some form of OCD. I'm trying to resist these thoughts as I know they will only get worse. I'm also worrying about little things as well in both work and my home life.

I currently live at home with my parents and I do unfortunately at the moment have family issues at home. My mood swings are also out of control. For example in the morning I can be the nicest and positive individual. By lunch time I'm the most angrist person in the world who's looking for anyone to have a fight with and by night time I'm depressed and in tears. I can also go for days when I feel normal, days when I feel postive and happy and have all these plans for the future and days when I'm down in the dumps and I feel like life is rubbish. My moods seem to fluctuate. I'm snapping and arguing with family members and people in work because everyone just seems to get of my nerves. Someone can say something little which may irriate me and then I seem to blow up. I'm worried in case I have some sort of mood disorder which a few people have suggested to me.

It's hard as well at home as at the moment I do not get on with a certain family member whose life seems to be going in the right direction and is constantly happy. My life seems to be going downhill. I'm trying to change my life, I fight on daily basis for what I have.

I don't know where to turn to anymore. My mum who's always been very supportive of me is not having the best of times at the moment so I feel as if she doesn't understand how bad it's getting to me. There are days when I feel as if whats the point in living like this as at the moment I feel like I just merely exist. :(