View Full Version : please please help. melanoma fear still lurking

14-06-16, 21:49
I go from one freckle to another.

Currently it's one on my chest which is dark and has a jagged point sort of like a 'pacman'.

I've had it for years but anxiety wonders if it;s changed to look like this and is in fact cancer sitting on and in my chest. I have another one similar colour and shape on my arm and rest of my arm is covered in freckles.

I used to have someone to talk to but annoyed them.

I can't keep popping to my GP and having time off work.

I just want to know if anyone has had a similar described freckle? I'm sat here reviewing any photos I can of my body to check and can't see much. I don't sunbathe and don't use sunbeds. I'm dark featured and low risk. But I'm still bloody terrified. If I wasn't worrying about this freckle it'd be another freckle.

15-06-16, 00:44
hoo boy, you wanna see the smorgasboard of potential cancer worries on my skin. i'd never had health anxiety until about 9 months ago but now everywhere i look there are suspected melanomas. i'm sure if i looked hard enough i could find one like yours.

i go to a guy yearly who looks over them all with a headlamp and gives me the all-clear. yearly used to seem excessive and nowadays i'm struggling to make it through the year!

15-06-16, 12:49
it's 99% anxiety. I'm sure I've always had tis. looking at photos from years and years agi t's thee but can't see the shape. Doesn't like it's changed in shape and definitely not in colour that i'm 100% sure about.

Anyone else have small dark brown freckles with jagged bits? Internet screams MM.

Worse thing is I was worried about this when I was first scared but think I found a photo which calmed me and now I can't find it.

15-06-16, 21:11
I'd love someone to pop up and convince me I'm mad. My worry about these freckles are driving me mad. I've even doctordoctors and seen other jurors about other freckles I worried about so I don't want to keep running your doctor when I'm anxious . Through analysis of anany photphoto I can find the freckles had been same size and color for years! Just funky shape .

I was shaving and noticed one on back of calf that I'm now also worrying about . Ginger splodge type. Probably always been there. Not often I see part of leg.

And three tiny dark round freckles.

I'm obsessing again.