View Full Version : 18-30 Holiday Anxiety

14-06-16, 23:45
Nearly 10 months ago I was diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety and put on anti-depressants. I am due to go on an 18-30 holiday with 3 of my friends next week and I am worried sick to the point I have spoken to my mum about not going.
There are many things that are worrying me that don't seem to worry anyone else and I just don't know how I am going to cope for a week.
My 3 friends are good friends but I feel as if they don't understand my problem and I don't want to get out there and have no one to talk to and I feel like if I do voice how I feel I will be just be seen as creating problems and overreacting.
Also due to my medication I'm scared excessive drinking will have a negative effect on me which I don't want to have in a foreign country. Im not really a big drinker anyway but I don't want to be forced to drink a lot. I can have a good time without drinking a lot I just don't want to experience that pressure.
I also have a boyfriend. He trusts me 100% and has no problems with me going and I love him a lot and would never do anything to hurt him. However I am worried that I get really drunk when I don't want to and do something I regret like cheat on him which I would never ever dare to do I'm just worried drinking will have That effect. .

I don't know how I'm feeling it's worrying me sick and I should be looking forward to it rather than dreading it. The whole issue revolves around drinking mainly and I know it is a clubbing holiday where there is crowds which I am also very worried about. I don't want to be the girl who has the problems and the panic attacks and dread going out. I want to be able to enjoy myself.
Thank you for reading.

15-06-16, 05:33
Space your drinks out, insert non alcoholic ones in between too. If you are able to drink on your meds without an adverse reaction then being sensible is all you need to be.

These types of holidays are all about getting blasted and sleeping around. I've known women who have been on them whilst in serious relationships and it's been fine. You just need to trust yourself and be sensible. Your BF trusts you so that's a good thing as these types of holidays conjure up images of drunken cheating but he obviously sees beyond that and believes in you.

If you are able to go out and drink in pubs/clubs, try to see this as no different. It's pubs/clubs with the rest of the day soaking up the sun.

And don't get drawn into any drinking games. Are your friends the type to get involved in them? And it might be best to stay out of situations where drinking games are too x-rated. And obviously keep your wits about you and know where you drinks are.

15-06-16, 14:29
Space your drinks out, insert non alcoholic ones in between too. If you are able to drink on your meds without an adverse reaction then being sensible is all you need to be.

These types of holidays are all about getting blasted and sleeping around. I've known women who have been on them whilst in serious relationships and it's been fine. You just need to trust yourself and be sensible. Your BF trusts you so that's a good thing as these types of holidays conjure up images of drunken cheating but he obviously sees beyond that and believes in you.

If you are able to go out and drink in pubs/clubs, try to see this as no different. It's pubs/clubs with the rest of the day soaking up the sun.

And don't get drawn into any drinking games. Are your friends the type to get involved in them? And it might be best to stay out of situations where drinking games are too x-rated. And obviously keep your wits about you and know where you drinks are.

Thank you for your help. I've just come to the conclusion that I am going to have to be sensible and that my health and how I feel is most important.
I've told my friends that I cannot drink a lot because of my meds, which they are fine with and said at least one night we will take it slow and stay in.

I'm not really sure if they would get involved I guess it depends how much they have to drink. But I'm going to budget my spending and not spend excessive amounts on drink so won't get into the position where I could drink a lot.

I am just going to take each day as it comes and just remember to be sensible.

16-06-16, 10:55
I'm in a similar situation, going to Benidorm tomorrow with 16 lads aged 25-30 on my Stag doo for 3 nights!
I get pretty horrific anxiety / panic after heavy drinking. None of them know about my problems so feel it's going to be hard during the days when I'm feeling at my worst.

I plan on eating as much as I can whilst out and drinking water inbetween alcohol.
I've bought some starflower oil tablets which apparently help with the hangover and re hydration tablets in which I'll take before I go to sleep.

I'll just try and keep busy during the day to keep my mind off it and if I feel super bad will probably just wonder off for some time until I feel better.

Hope it goes well for you!

17-06-16, 06:01
Thank you for your help. I've just come to the conclusion that I am going to have to be sensible and that my health and how I feel is most important.
I've told my friends that I cannot drink a lot because of my meds, which they are fine with and said at least one night we will take it slow and stay in.

I'm not really sure if they would get involved I guess it depends how much they have to drink. But I'm going to budget my spending and not spend excessive amounts on drink so won't get into the position where I could drink a lot.

I am just going to take each day as it comes and just remember to be sensible.

That's a sensible approach to take. It's good to hear that you have friends who are receptive to this too.

I was just wondering whether they are the type to drag you into drinking games, as we often do with each other when young without realising. They don't sound like that though as they would be moaning about you not getting smashed every night from my experience.

Enjoy your holiday.

---------- Post added at 06:01 ---------- Previous post was at 06:00 ----------

I'm in a similar situation, going to Benidorm tomorrow with 16 lads aged 25-30 on my Stag doo for 3 nights!
I get pretty horrific anxiety / panic after heavy drinking. None of them know about my problems so feel it's going to be hard during the days when I'm feeling at my worst.

I plan on eating as much as I can whilst out and drinking water inbetween alcohol.
I've bought some starflower oil tablets which apparently help with the hangover and re hydration tablets in which I'll take before I go to sleep.

I'll just try and keep busy during the day to keep my mind off it and if I feel super bad will probably just wonder off for some time until I feel better.

Hope it goes well for you!

Milk thistle is another one people use as it detoxes the liver.