View Full Version : calves aching ,burning, twitching 2 months now

14-06-16, 23:58
As if my other symptoms were not enough, this is a new one. Every day
Not getting any sleep. Legs feel on the verge of cramping most of the time.
Trying magnesium. Tried Horlicks then chamomile for sleep but no luck. Worrying me so much because its a new symptom after 5 years. Dr said may be restless leg syndrome but quinine tabs didn't work. Any ideas. This with the insomnia and other pains is wearing me out and all my other anxiety symptoms have returned with a vengeance.

15-06-16, 10:31
Retching an gagging too

---------- Post added at 10:02 ---------- Previous post was at 09:53 ----------

How do I contact a moderator please? I awake all night with legs and lots other symptoms. I read posts about rls, all connected with starting ssri,s . I not on them. More worried now panicing on bed. Iwe having new grandchild Sept I will not be here to see her. I upset and upset my family they think its just bad anxiety

---------- Post added at 10:31 ---------- Previous post was at 10:02 ----------

Googled reputable web sites for reassurance but they just confirmed the worst. Really bad, what I knew had started 5 years ago and Drs have dismissed because I was so anxious about it . One anxiety is on your record that's it. Didn't want to google but felt like last resort in middle of night. Any rplies take ages to come thro on my phone, cant work out how to contact moderator.

15-06-16, 13:00
Hi, so sorry to hear you're so anxious and not getting any sleep. I know the feeling. And our anxiety is always worse at these times.

I've never had restless leg syndrome although my sister gets it. She drinks tonic water and does a lot of walking and says it seems to help. It does seem to be common in ladies if a certain age.

I have had a lot of pain in both my calves though and felt like I'd run a marathon though I hadn't done any exercise at all. I did some research and found that Magnesium could be helpful. I tried it and it helped. Ask your pharmacist which is the best one though because some have very little magnesium in them. Take the highest dose you can. It also helps with sleeping. It takes quite a long time for it to be effective. I thnk my pain left gradually and after about two months it disappeared. But I never stopped taking the magnesium. I e read that some people rub magnesium oil on their legs but I haven't tried it as it's expensive.

I've also started to do a lot of walking, just in case my circulation is to blame.
Sorry your doctor's not more help. True what you say; mention anxiety and thats it.

I hope this of some help to you.
Oh, and DON'T Google. All it does is send your anxiety sky high and then your symptoms double.

15-06-16, 14:22
Becky thanks, although I am a lady of a certain age I am sure it is not restless leg syndrome. Dr gave me quinine tablets but they didn't work. Unfortunately I have googled already and am in a tailspin as along with my other symptoms it seems to be part of a very serious illness. I told my doctor of my fears and she just said, well that's not the first thing I would have thought of. I,ve had other symptoms of this disease for 5years which I was sent to see a consultant for, but he never gave me a diagnosis of the symptoms. Been going back and forth to gp ever since. Last one left a week after I saw her so now its yet another one and they never seem to have a clue about my history. Amazing how they see the word"anxiety" and that's it then. I have to try and tell them everything in 5 mins .doesn't seem to be any continuity,but that wouldn't matter if I got one really good one. Still waiting for results of abdominal Ultrasound to be checked and returned to gp. 5 times we,ve asked so far.
I have researched magnesium and started taking it about a week ago with magnesium oil too. Been having daily Epsom salt baths fir 2 months. No improvement and I,m losing hope but I,ll keep on with them. I,ve asked someone else on this site who seems very knowledgeable about magnesium about his thoughts. Thank you for replying Becky, nights are long when you can't sleep for worry and sadness aren't they? Well, days are too. My family are in denial about me being physically ill .

---------- Post added at 14:22 ---------- Previous post was at 14:17 ----------

Your sister has rls,it runs in families. No one in mine has ever had it.

15-06-16, 16:33
Since I discovered that we have exactly 8 minutes to tell the Dr our symptoms, be examined and diagnosed I now write everyrhing down before I go. I just list the main points and put it on the desk. The Dr seems to prefer this. Also because of my anxiety I can get carried away and not get all the details out before my time is up. Why don't you try it?

Don't give up with the magnesium it can take a while.

Do you exercise your legs? It helps with circulation. Maybe some gentle walking, which is also good for anxiety. Even if I feel absolutely awful, I force myself to go out and walk. Tell myself 'well if you collapse on the way, somebody will find you and get help'. And you know what, half way through the walk my symptoms disappear and I feel a lot better. It just takes that initial effort and some courage.

Remember that anxiety can cause all sorts of weird and wonderful symptoms. Is your anxiety being treated? That could be the start.

15-06-16, 16:59
Benign Fasciculation Syndrome

15-06-16, 17:05
I,ve heard of that. Do you know if there is any link between benign fasciculation and anxiety. Is it something you have had? If so did you find anything that helped and how long it lasted. Thanks josh.

15-06-16, 17:08
'well if you collapse on the way, somebody will find you and get help'.

This is very true, it did happen to me. I collapsed due to heart arrythmia and low blood pressure caused by an inflamed intestine, and they helped a lot. Actually one of the bystanders offered to go with me in the ambulance to keep me company. When I said "no it's ok thanks, don't want to trouble you" he said "it's no trouble at all, but don't worry man, you'll get through it (I was scared I was having a heart attack as it was my first episode with this) and then he said "I love you man, you will do good". Everyone helped that day, the policeman and several people walking by. they called 911 using my phone and their phones too.

17-06-16, 11:33
Does anyone know if anxiety can begin to cause bfs?