View Full Version : Worried that I might have Naegleria Fowleri.

15-06-16, 00:43
I swam in a 4 acre pond with my two nephews and niece about 3 days ago. Today I awoke this morning with a sore throat that felt like it was caused by post nasal drip, kinda burny and sinusy. Ive also got a bit of a runny nose and feel hot but dont have a fever.

I cant stop worrying that I have naegleria fowleri, even though I tried to be safe and not let water get up my nose, it still happened a couple times. It was about 96 degrees farenheit outside that day, not sure of the water temp but it wasnt cold.

Ive read that its rare to contract this, but Im still worried because of the onset of my symptoms. I live in Minnesota in the USA.

15-06-16, 00:53
from wiki (which i'm sure you've read):

"It takes up to 15 days for symptoms to appear after N. fowleri amoebas enter the nose. Initial symptoms may include headache, fever, nausea, or vomiting."

aside from it being very very unlikely to begin with, this description makes it probably not worth considering.

15-06-16, 02:22
So.... hasn't been one of these threads in a while....

Department of health stats say that there have been less than 40 cases of the "brain eating amoeba" since 2005. Most of those in the South where stagnant warm water is much more prevalent.

So lets say 40 cases in 11 years. That's about 2 cases a year out of a population of over 318 million people. Do the math and you can see my point. You stand a better chance of hitting the lotto.

Positive thoughts

15-06-16, 06:22
Thank you, you guys. You have helped put my mind at ease. I hate how irrational anxiety makes me. Even with as rare as it is, my mind was still believing it likely, logic be damned. Your replies have helped, I appreciate.