View Full Version : Worrying over a mole/blood spot

15-06-16, 08:18
Ok so the other day I noticed a small spot on my hand, it's only the size of a pin prick but my HA has come on big time.

I have attached a pic too see if anyone thinks I should I be worried, i really don't want to go to docs as I havent been once this year (go me :yahoo: ) but this is just really bothering me! I cannot tell if it's a new mole or a tiny little blood spot under the skin

Gary A
15-06-16, 12:46
Certainly not something to worry about, it's barely visible. As with any mole or mark on the skin just keep a casual eye on it in case of changes, but at this moment in time it is not something you should remotely concern yourself with.

15-06-16, 13:25
I am covered in every skin blemish known to man! I have moles, skin tags, cherry angionomas ( red spots) freckles of every sort and now what they call sebascious warts ( not a wart as such).

Cherry angionomas ( totally harmless) always start as a tiny dark pin prick and the red becomes obvious as they grow. You can also get freckles that start as an almost black dot but as they expand they turn normal freckle brown colour.

A malignant melanoma will grow and stay jet black in colour. I have seen on on my aunty and once seen never forgotten!

As said, just moniter it.

16-06-16, 04:05
Ok so the other day I noticed a small spot on my hand, it's only the size of a pin prick but my HA has come on big time.

I have attached a pic too see if anyone thinks I should I be worried, i really don't want to go to docs as I havent been once this year (go me :yahoo: ) but this is just really bothering me! I cannot tell if it's a new mole or a tiny little blood spot under the skin

Shaun Ryder with the lifestyle you've lived over the last 25 years i'd think a mole would be the least of your concerns.

(sorry couldn't resist)