View Full Version : Hi from Texas

15-06-16, 22:22
So where do I start. I have HA and I figure that part of that stems from my early experiences so here you go. I was born breech and had to be delivered by emergency c-section and as a baby I would go to see doctors at the orthipedic hospital for hip problems. As a young child I went to early intervention for a while, and I had physical and speech therapists. My pediatrician tried to get me diagnosed with Marfans twice when I was around elementary school age, each time leading to me seeing a whole bunch of doctors. I do, however, seeem to suffer from a mild vascular disorder, but it was worse when I was younger and the only treatment I think is to drink water.
At six I was tested for autism/aspergers, but I didn't meet enough criteria to get diagnosed. At 13, I had my first panic attack due to blood pooling. A few months later, I was diagnosed with anxiety and PDD-NOS by my first psychologist. I then started seeing a psychiatrist and taking zoloft.
In the 7 years since that time, I have been through two psychologists, councilors, various doses of zoloft, and various herbal drugs and supplements . Throughout all this I have had various boughts of health anxiety - in fact I would say that most of my anxiety is caused by this. The two mris and the wisdom tooth removal didn't really help this either. Also, during this time I realized that I had been showing symptoms of OCD ever since I was a young child, and even though I haven't been professionally diagnosed, the health professionals I have seen all seem to confirm this.
Finally, a few months ago, at the age of 20, I was tested once again and given a diagnosis of autism/aspergers and also dysgraphia (which I had been suspecting). And that's basically my story up until now. Sorry for rambling on, but I felt that I needed to give my problems context.

15-06-16, 22:27
Hiya Ultimatejourney and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

18-06-16, 13:37
Good morning Ultimatejourney. I read your story and I know many of us at NMP understand your situation. My health anxiety issues are different and we are vastly different in age, but I do get how things going on within yourself can cause anxiety. As for your recent diagnosis with Asperger's our oldest son also has Asperger's.

First let me tell you, your at a good place. NMP is a great forum to ask questions and vent frustrations when it comes to the panic and anxiety we share. It's easy for me or anyone else to say, it will be okay. But as long as you have the desire to get better you will. Best to you Ultimatejourney.