View Full Version : Can't sleep

16-06-16, 06:24
Anyone have any ideas to help me. Sleep naturally don't want sleeping pills incase the children need.me through the night I seem to wake at the same time every night 1.30 3.30 and 5.30 some nights I'm awake for hours I work full time and I feel exhausted I love.my sleep and need it for my recovery if any one has any advice plz comment I feel drained
Thanks becky :weep: xx

16-06-16, 06:26
I can totally relate! Melatonin seemed to help me for a bit. We have to get it on prescription here but other places sell it over the counter. It's essentially 'natural' as it's a hormone you make in your own body.

I hope you can get some sleep soon. I thought mine was sorted but back to waking in panic again. It's just horrible.

16-06-16, 07:35
Thanks shaz how long have you been on citalapram for now? X

16-06-16, 07:45
Oh I'm not on citalopram. I've had it in the past but earlier in the year it didn't agree with me at all and totally wrecked my sleep,

Started melatonin recently and it seemed to help for a bit. I'm on mirtazapine, which has helped the anxiety a bit but not enough unfortunately.

16-06-16, 08:33
Have you been on it long? I have intrusive thoughts which make my anxiety worse x

16-06-16, 09:13
Hi again, I've been on it just over 3 months. My issue isn't with thoughts as much (so far as I am aware) but with physical anxiety symptoms which set me off worrying something is really wrong. I was doing better but last night had a major attack and today has been extremely rough. Not sleeping is a big trigger for me :(

16-06-16, 09:16
Think the sleep is a trigger.for me to as today I can't seem to clear my head of the thoughts just want a full nights sleep. Hope you feel ok for the rest of the day take care xx

16-06-16, 09:21
Think the sleep is a trigger.for me to as today I can't seem to clear my head of the thoughts just want a full nights sleep. Hope you feel ok for the rest of the day take care xx

Thanks, it's evening here so not much more of the day to get through. Usually I am a lot calmer in the evenings but last night's panic has set me back quite a bit.

I hope you can get your sleep sorted. You don't want to try any medications do you? They do help but come with their own issues.