View Full Version : tingling, shaking feeling inside

16-06-16, 10:04
I have been getting this feeling in my legs and feet but when i sleep it goes into my tummy aswell and if i wake up i feel like my head is shaking internally

its freaking me out, the doc said just anxiety but never had this before

also when i walk i feel ike im on a boat, i have had this before but its much worse this time, couple that with lots of typing errors, forgetting things and a contant dull ache on right side of the head

i am worried

16-06-16, 10:13
It's very common. I had it with my first bout of anxiety a few years back, but then it went. Now, several years later I have the same symptom again. It's just your nervous system. Nothing to worry about :)

16-06-16, 10:31
I have been getting this feeling in my legs and feet but when i sleep it goes into my tummy aswell and if i wake up i feel like my head is shaking internally

its freaking me out, the doc said just anxiety but never had this before

also when i walk i feel ike im on a boat, i have had this before but its much worse this time, couple that with lots of typing errors, forgetting things and a contant dull ache on right side of the head

i am worried

I have the exact same thing! Mine seems to go up into my butt muscles quite often.

I'm having a bit of a 'blip' today and I have the tingling all over along with shivers .

I have also had, off and on, that feeling like walking on a boat, like everything is off balance. And then when I feel less anxious it goes away.

It's definitely anxiety. Unfortunately it makes the anxiety worse if you worry about it!

16-06-16, 10:39
thanks, i know deep down it is that but there is never an explanation as to why it does that ? why do you feel intense shaking etc inside your body

is this adrenaline ? the only way i can think of to get rid of excess adrenaline is through exercise but i feel too dizzy and stuff to exercise

---------- Post added at 10:39 ---------- Previous post was at 10:38 ----------

I have the exact same thing! Mine seems to go up into my butt muscles quite often.

I'm having a bit of a 'blip' today and I have the tingling all over along with shivers .

I have also had, off and on, that feeling like walking on a boat, like everything is off balance. And then when I feel less anxious it goes away.

It's definitely anxiety. Unfortunately it makes the anxiety worse if you worry about it!

thats so weird mine always feels strong in my bum, its as iff you are moving but you are not, when i wake up its kinda gone but as the day goes on it gets worse, do you find that ?

16-06-16, 10:44
Usually mine has improved as the day goes on but today not at all.

I believe it's all adrenaline symptoms. And yes it is good to burn some of it off if you can. More recently My swaying feelings improved a lot so I've been doing a lot of walking with the dogs but it's difficult to do this when you feel so wobbly on your feet.

Are you on any meds? If you are newly starting meds they can increase anxiety symptoms to start with.

16-06-16, 10:47

no i am not on any meds, i did beat anxiety for about 5 years through exercise and relaxation but now its all back even worse than ever.

Im need to get in the gym im just scared of passing out and everyday i feel like im dying of an illness, i believe i have about 10 different ones and i know thats not true.

i need to get my ass in the gym, just this shaking in legs and tummy and head is really crazy, i thought maybe i was having a fit then thought because i have a dull headache on right side all the time its a tumor

16-06-16, 10:57

no i am not on any meds, i did beat anxiety for about 5 years through exercise and relaxation but now its all back even worse than ever.

Im need to get in the gym im just scared of passing out and everyday i feel like im dying of an illness, i believe i have about 10 different ones and i know thats not true.

i need to get my ass in the gym, just this shaking in legs and tummy and head is really crazy, i thought maybe i was having a fit then thought because i have a dull headache on right side all the time its a tumor

The good news is that you have beat it before so you can do it again!

I can relate to the passing out feeling. I've had months of that but I never actually have passed out. You won't either though it sure feels like it!

The headache will probably be from muscle tension. I've had that too and it went away.

Try doing some exercises at home to burn off some of the adrenaline and as a bit of a distraction. Do you have anyone to talk to at home or are you on your own?

16-06-16, 11:15
thanks, did you have a dull headache on same side every day ?

i dont really no but i have friends i can talk to, the best way to get over it is to workout and try ignore everything but its hard when you think you have something serious

did you ever get an explanation from a doctor as to why the boat feeling and shaking inside ?

when you go onto a ms or parkinsons website they all say they had those symptoms aswell so you never know what to believe

---------- Post added at 11:15 ---------- Previous post was at 11:03 ----------

also i smoke an ecig with nicotine and i am wondering how much worse this could be making my anxiety, i cut out caffeine but this is still a powerfull stimulant

16-06-16, 11:22
I've had times where I get pain/tension in my head, usually on one side.

I think working out is great but you also need to figure out what is behind the anxiety and talking helps with that. Well sometimes it does.

I've in the past been tested for MS and came back clear - had weakness on one side for a couple of years and it was all to do with stress/anxiety.

The boat feeling is the adrenaline mucking with your nervous system. I've never had an explanation for it as such but that it's common with anxiety. I haven;t had that one for a while but had a patch of feeling like that fairly constantly.

The shaking is the same. Mine has come and gone. It's been bad today but I've had patches where I don't notice it at all.

The ecig/nicotine is a stimulant so can add to anxiety but quitting can also add to anxiety so it's hard to know what's best to do!

It''s good that you cut out caffeine, I did this a while back. I need to get rid of sugar now which is a bit of a challenge!

16-06-16, 12:04
how have you managed to get over your anxiety or have you still got some problems ?

its a horrible cycle when you start checking on the internet which is what i have been doing.

16-06-16, 12:53
also i smoke an ecig with nicotine and i am wondering how much worse this could be making my anxiety

Potentially quite a lot. It keeps the body in a constant state of stimulus/withdrawal.

16-06-16, 21:00
how have you managed to get over your anxiety or have you still got some problems ?

its a horrible cycle when you start checking on the internet which is what i have been doing.

To be honest I've not anywhere near gotten over my anxiety and it's been several months now. I thought I was improving but had a major setback the night before last and I feel like I'm back to square one but have no meds to try and help with it.

People do get past it/learn to manage it though. I'm holding on to that!

17-06-16, 12:52
To be honest I've not anywhere near gotten over my anxiety and it's been several months now. I thought I was improving but had a major setback the night before last and I feel like I'm back to square one but have no meds to try and help with it.

People do get past it/learn to manage it though. I'm holding on to that!

thats a shame, you can do it, i beat it for about 4 years but it came back worse than ever, maybe one day ill have to go on meds

---------- Post added at 12:52 ---------- Previous post was at 10:33 ----------

today i feel a bit better, didnt wake up shaking but sitting on my office chair just now i feell ike i am rocking :(