View Full Version : New Again

16-06-16, 19:43
Hi Everyone...Jerry here. I have suffered from panic attacks for 25 yrs now and still counting.
It all started just "out of the blue". Had numerous test and procedures like heart cath's, MRI's to rule out any organic problems. In the end I was dx'ed with Chronic anxiety and panic disorder with clinical depression throwed in for good measure.
Hve been on various meds for a number of years. SSRI's and benzo's. have had periods of time , 2 to 3 yrs with no symptoms and not being on any meds. The symptoms always seem to return, sometimes greater in severity than the previous and sometimes not.
I am currently on Celexa 40mg a day and have just stopped a yr. of low dose .5mg twice daily xanax therapy. Now its celexa 40mg only. I have ok days and not ok days.
I also take Bistolic 10mg for hypertension. I suffer from cirrhosis of the liver which developed from having UN-treated HepC for 30 yrs. I contracted the hepc from a blood transfusion I received in 1979. I was in a farming accident which I lost my right leg below the knee. Back in 79 they didnt even know what hepc was and therefore blood was not screened for it. I was 15 at the time of my accident.
I am now on my third treatment for the hepc, The first I was a non res ponder, The second one i was cleared for almost 2 years then relapsed. I hope this one works for good. The meds for this can really aggravate the panic issues tremendously.
The cirrhosis is now in advanced stages and I will probably be placed on a transplant list in the next year. very grateful I at least have that option.

Very Grateful to be here also!! I have a ton of experience with this panic monster and need to keep learning ways to deal with it. Hope to find that here as well as maybe I can be of help to others also.
Thanks for reading and I look forward to meeting as many of you as I can! I do believe knowledge is a power that is very hard to beat.. I cant but WE can!!

16-06-16, 19:48
Hiya jleebow and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

16-06-16, 20:58

You are a very strong sole handling what life has throws at you with such grace. I suffer from Depression and General Anxiety Disorder ( GAD ) myself but my life story is no where as complicated as yours. If writing back to me would help in any way please do.
