View Full Version : Sciatica help!!

16-06-16, 19:55
I think I have this.. I was lying funny yesterday & got up and couldn't stand straight!! The pain in my lower back is agony. I have horrible pains running down my legs!! How did this happen. Obviously I'm thinking spinal tumour or tumour pressing on my spine!! It's so sore.

16-06-16, 20:35
Sciatica is very common, you said you was laying down funny so this could be why. Search lower back yoga and do some of their routines, helps sciatica massively!!

16-06-16, 20:49
I have lower back issues (L4,L5 disc protrusion) and have had it for over 30 years as a result of an injury. For the most part I'm fine but every once in a while I can throw out my back. Sometimes doing something as simple as bending over. And then it's OMG! weeks and weeks of pain and discomfort.

The only thing I know of that helps is #1 time. It just has to heal and the inflammation has to go down. #2 is to strengthen the muscles surrounding the injury. Than means stretching and exercises on a regular basis to keep those muscles strong. My doctor gave me a sheet that shows the different exercises and they do help. You can find these on Youtube as well. As always, check with your doctor before beginning any exercise regime.

Positive thoughts

18-06-16, 08:01

Still suffering 😩😩

What can I do to help. The horrible pain in my lower back and running down my leg is awful

18-06-16, 09:56
I have this right now! An old injury that flares up occasionally. It hurts! I've been housebound for a week now.

As has been suggested, do some floor exercises, rest, take pain killers and be patient. Sometimes it can take a few weeks before it eases up and the more you hurry it the longer it takes.

Ask the Doctor for something for the pain and also maybe some physio will help.

I use an infrared lamp which I find really helps to ease the pain, as does a hot bath or a heat pad (the kind you put in a microwave)

Hope you feel better soon.