View Full Version : New here, and I have palpitations with panic/anxiety

17-06-16, 00:25
greetings every one. Im new here to the forums, and have come to seek not only comfort, but knowledge, possible friends and information on coping tactics. First off, great to meet you all! :-) happy to be here!:D

I am a 42 year old female. in the past 2 years I have developed what appears to be anxiety over any little thing. even going to work, out grocery shopping, or even watching a sci fi movie (which I love those.) Im terrified of doctors, so im trying to seek a natural approach to my issues. even a walk to the library ( it is just a block away) there was so much tightness in my chest, pressure..you name it. I wanted to run some where and cry.

Some basics, I am a game addict, I play on the computer almost 10 hours out of the day..it is my comfort area..near a phone. I have a boy friend but live alone. Recently ( even though it happens at most with my cycles) I have panic attacks, generalized anxiety, and heart palpitations. They are scary, which drive my anxiety even more so with skips, thumps, flutters..the pounding, the racing...you name it. there is dizzy spells, sweats, hot and cold flashes..etc. They dont always happen however and sometimes I go days with out them. But if the littlest thing gets me upset, excited, nervous etc...they start up. Im sure it is cycle/anxiety related, because I cant get my mind off them. I do have health anxiety to, since I was little. I read something..bam I have it. So when I think alot of them they will also get going. I guess the mind has much power to make that happen? the only thing it has not affected is my sleep, I can go to bed fine and sleep..but I always wake up soooo early when I dont need to.

The good thing about all this, is that I now realize that I am not alone and have found courage to come forwards and talk it out. For long time I have hid this issue from every one. even my own family. I always seem to be under this attack of flight or fight, even though there is nothing to run from....and it is so scary!

Sorry for the long winded spell! I hope there are others here who can help offer some calm advice that I am not crazy, because sometimes I want to run and I feel like im going out of my mind! As a note..I never used to be this way...why have I changed? sometimes I feel so embarassed..

18-06-16, 22:01
well..i can see there is no support..>.<

18-06-16, 23:55
Hi ,welcome to the forum , I've been the same way off and on for four years and when it's bad I still think I'm going insane I guess if it hasn't happened by now I'm not going mad and neither are you , don't be to discouraged about the lack of replies for some reason it allways goes quiet over the weekends pretty sure my anxiety doesn't give me weekends off , it's been a tough day and I'm realy hoping to get a bit of sleep tonight so I'll sign off and maybe talk another time , take care .

19-06-16, 05:55
You are not crazy but anxiety afects you and thats way you have these simptoms .I think you must find a way to change this habits of yours ,by playing games its such a bad thing but its not so creative and you dont use your time so creative .You must find good things to do nd this will give confidence to your brain and heart and also try to leave confort zone and confront your fears this will break you a little from anxiety