View Full Version : Tingling feelings

17-06-16, 08:43
Hi There,
I've started to get tingling round my mouth and my toes. Could this be the Citalooram? Has anyone else had this? Been on the tablets for 1 month.


17-06-16, 08:50
Yes, in the past when I was on citalopram I had this around my mouth sometimes and in my feet and hands sometimes all down one side. I thought I had MS but I don't.

It could be the meds or it could be an anxiety symptom as I still have this when I'm anxious now. It's a bit alarming but apparently not a concern.

17-06-16, 10:15
Thank you, I'm so scared there is something going on as not sure it's normal to develop new side effects after a month?

17-06-16, 14:03
I have the symptom when i become anxious! it is horrible but just my anxiety! A brilliant book that was recommended to me by another sufferer is At last a life by Paul David. Im finding it so helpful and so true!! x

17-06-16, 14:17
I get tingling feeling around my mouth and lips, sometimes forehead and shoulders quite often, mine feels like a cold sort of tingling, i'm not on any medication but put it down to stress and anxiety, don't know if it is x

17-06-16, 15:12
Thanks everyone. I will check out the book x

17-06-16, 19:32
I think if you hyperventilate or don't breathe properly it can cause tingling in the extremities.

17-06-16, 20:20
Thank you. Seems I'm worrying about every symptom I have at the moment.