View Full Version : Sex headache - My GP vs Mayo clinic

17-06-16, 11:56
Ok so i did a thread recently about these terrible 'sex headaches' i've started getting. Well i went to my GP today after reading on GOOGLE about how it can be a sign of an aneurysm ect.

My doctor is very quiet, most people in my area don't like him and choose other doctor's but he is the most qualified and head of the surgery.
I told him about this and how it was the worst head pain i've ever felt, and how it is happening every time now even before orgasm.

He said it's nothing to worry about. He said it's most likely tension and will pass on it's own. He then said 'Have you been on the internet' :roflmao:

Of course doctor, and i'm worried, so is this nothing to worry about, he said no.

However Mayo clinic and other sites say an aneurysm must be ruled out with a CT/MRI scan. So i just don't know how a doctor can say it's nothing to worry about. I mean is there some other sign i would have because i can't find anything online. He checked my blood pressure which was fine.

Should i leave this now, if it were you would you feel satisfied that if he thought it could be anything he would have sent me for a scan? If he didn't know i had anxiety would he have took it more seriously?

I don't know how to stop these thoughts, i'm really not keen on a head scan, i just want to stop believing i have an aneurysm and it could burst at any moment. Advice please?

17-06-16, 12:44
Wow... the doc nailed you on that one! ~lol~ And he's right! If you've been reading info from the Mayo clinic, you know that an aneurysm would have more signs and symptoms. Just make sure you're well hydrated and try not to think too much about it or it will ruin your sex life!

Positive thoughts

17-06-16, 12:51
Wow... the doc nailed you on that one! ~lol~ And he's right! If you've been reading info from the Mayo clinic, you know that an aneurysm would have more signs and symptoms. Just make sure you're well hydrated and try not to think too much about it or it will ruin your sex life!

Positive thoughts

He well and truly did! And you know i've been seeing this doctor for years and he never smiles, actually hardly even looks at you he's one of them that just wants you out. But today he was a complete different doctor, i think he got must have got some last night :roflmao:

Yes you're right, everyone is right, i need to effing forget all of this crap, stress and anxiety have ruined a lot of things, but there's no way i'm letting it ruin this lol

17-06-16, 13:36
Well you know my thoughts, Katie. Look at everyone on here who has said they have had this and they are still here.

Then there is the come & go element (I hope I doesn't get the spelling wrong there :D)

When I had this, not being a HAer, I assumed it would be nerve or muscular. I knew someone who had a pinched nerve in the neck of how he described that with the pain so I went down the route of searching about nerve pain in the neck. I very quickly came across nerve spasm of the neck which explained it well.

There are exercises you can do for it. They helped. Here's the funny thing...just like your GP said it would go on it's own, mine did. 2 months on and I've not had it since after those 2 weeks.


17-06-16, 13:40
Well you know my thoughts, Katie. Look at everyone on here who has said they have had this and they are still here.

Then there is the come & go element (I hope I doesn't get the spelling wrong there :D)

When I had this, not being a HAer, I assumed it would be nerve or muscular. I knew someone who had a pinched nerve in the neck of how he described that with the pain so I went down the route of searching about nerve pain in the neck. I very quickly came across nerve spasm of the neck which explained it well.

There are exercises you can do for it. They helped. Here's the funny thing...just like your GP said it would go on it's own, mine did. 2 months on and I've not had it since after those 2 weeks.


Thanks Terry that gives me hope, like i've said my neck is a mess at the minute so that sounds like a strong possibility. Except i don't really feel 'nerve like' pain more dull muscular aches.

I'm assuming if it is a nerve/muscle issue then it is still safe to do it although it would be painful, at the minute i'm thinking refrain from anything at all for as long as i can then try again might be the best option :ohmy: hehe !