View Full Version : Prostatitis worries

17-06-16, 14:07
Hello everyone,

A bit of story first:

I have recently been diagnosed with Prostatitis (went to two different doctors to get a second opinion, because nobody in my family could believe that a 20 year old male could have problems with his prostate).

The first doctor seemed really competent and immediately after doing a rectal exam concluded that I have Prostatitis, then he ordered some lab tests (urethra secrete and prostate fluid). Gave me a prescription of Azithromycinum 18 x 250mg and told me to take one a day 3 hours before(the level of the med will be highest in my bloodstream) going to his ordered physiotherapy of some kind, all he told me is that a physiotherapist will insert some kind of rod there(not really know how to translate this thing) and ,,irradiate’’ (not sure if actual radiation or what’s going to be used) the prostate, 18 of these procedures as well as a prostate massage by him once a week for the duration (so like 3 massages).

The second one told me that it’s CHRONIC Prostatitis, a thing that I’ll have for the rest of my life, he also examined me(I brought the lab results to him from the previous doctor), and prescribed me three different medications (I think 10 tablets each, some were antibiotics, some not.. I didn’t even read the prescriptions yet, to be honest I cannot read his handwriting, got to go to a pharmacy first, that’s where they understand doctors notes in my country).

I’m feeling really depressed as I also have Generalised Anxiety Disorder and as a result of that I’m a huge hypochondria and health anxiety sufferer.
20 year old male from Lithuania.

My symptoms:

- Migrating pains/sores/discomfort around the groin/thigh connector, anus-testicular area. Sometimes it goes away for some time.
- Swollen lymph node on my right thigh-groin connecting area which is sort of painful to pressure. (Doctor said it’s nothing to worry about, but I still wonder).

My questions:

1) I’ve read about super high temperatures and chills etc, can this condition cause this to me any time? I’m sort of panicking about this.
2) Which course of treatment would you recommend of the aforementioned two?
3) Any idea why the lymph node could be swollen? Is this connected to my Prostatitis?
4) Any idea which kind of Prostatitis I have – acute or chronic?(I could get the secrete/fluid lab results if necessary)
5) Is rapid treatment needed? Or can I start taking the antibiotics in let’s say 2-3 days? Or a week from now? (I want to talk to my psychotherapist first)
6) Is this life-threatening?
7) Also I’m generally really scared of taking antibiotics, since the last time I’ve taken them was something like a year ago, and I was doing really bad with my anxiety and had a nightmare when I was taking them, so I connected them(could be just a coincidence) and don’t want to take them ever since… could someone tell me something helpful regarding this…

Thank you for reading, and sorry for the perhaps stupid questions, but I feel so new to this, and so anxious.

P.S. I will be monitoring this thread closely so if you feel on replying anything I will see it quickly and respond to questions or anything!

20-06-16, 09:31
bump.... :(

30-06-16, 09:29
Hi Mate
I registered just so I can reply to this.
I'll just give you a little background on myself. 36 year old male. UK diagnosed with chronic prostatitis about a a year and a half ago.
Symptoms included, 8 months of pelvic pain, burning, very sensitive around the testicular area. Feelings of not being able to empty bladder, blood in urine etc etc.

I've had around 4 emergency doctor appts. I was hospitalised 3 times in A&E and the last time they ended up fitting a bladder bag (I think more precaution than anything as I said it felt like I couldn't empty bladder) for a week.

I've had several courses of anti-inflammatories and anti-biotics. 2 ultra sounds (clear) and a CT Scan (clear). Bad news is this...tablets don't work if it's chronic. Anti inflams may help slightly but the reality is it didn't touch mine.

Now the good news.

Mine cleared up to a point where I felt no pain at all within two weeks after I'd had the CT scan. Until that point, I was convinced I had kidney, bladder or prostate cancer. The sheer terror of that (classic health anxiety) perpetuated my symptoms to such a point it was unbearable.
It just goes to show how powerful our mind is.

The doctor is right, if it's chronic, you probably will have it underlying for the rest of your life. Like me, I still have small traces of blood in urine but no other real symptoms and now I'm going to tell you what improves it. And please believe me I've tried all natural remedies, hypnosis, mainstream meds.

You won't believe this, but there is a new school of thought which thinks muscle tension is at the heart of this condition...(can't think why we'd have muscle tension being permanently anxious). So to counter this I tried massage, so whilst in the bath I'd massage my inner thighs, lower stomach and basically all the pelvic areas. If you're trusting of your partner you could ask they perform a prostatic massage but I'd really research the pros and cons of that before you try. It is said to really really clear the crap out, which normal ejaculation doesn't.

But in a nut shell mate. you need to change your life to relax mode, try a month or two of massaging the areas I stated. You can google to see the best way of doing it. You're looking to free up what they call trigger points.
The bottom line is, the constant worry will just perpetuate things. You really need to move on and push this from your mind. I can honestly say I feel 98% normal. Occasionally i'll feel like there's a walnut up my butt, but to be fair it lasts a day or two then goes because I forget about it.

If you need any more info then please feel free to contact me mate. I wouldn't want anyone else going through what I did when it's futile.