View Full Version : Tachycardia upon standing ?

17-06-16, 16:43
Has anybody ever had anything like this I think I'm going to go mad from not knowing what I have and I can't find anybody in the world of Internet with the same symtoms as me .
I'm 24 I'm 5ft 7 and 9.11 stone so not over weight I do smoke but haven't drank alcohol for a year nearly and also do alot of walking / cleaning / running after my children I give birth nearly two months ago basically my heart rate is going mad if I sit down it is in normal range but a soon as I stand it can go anywhere from 90-150 in matters of seconds it doesn't stay the same it will be 123 then 148 then 150 ect even while walking it is this high my health anxiety is going nuts I've had three ecgs all which doctors wasn't concerned about but they did say abnormal unconfirmed on them the doctor said the top line of my ecg is not going up or something so shows maybe enlargement but again they wasn't concerned about it I've had blood work for clots liver ect infection ect and they said all came back normal also my heart blood work came back normal too ??
So I'm left to wait to see a cardiologist to get a holter and heart sonigram but waiting is making me even more anxious because I have the thoughts in my head constantly that I could just collapse ect especially around my children which is effecting my daily life and everyone else's around me my mother keeps checking her heart rate and it's 98 walking and 80 st down she is overweight and smokes loads she also lives a very unhealthy lifestyle / food ect .
My partner is 6 ft 3 and has high bp and when he stands his heart rate only goes up slightly and never in the 100s I'm so confused as to why me and I have no answers or even no indication whether this is safe as my hospital are crap it took them two years 35 visits to figure out my friend had chrohns disease and lesson on his brain it's a joke and I'm terrified they aren't listening to me I say to them check me while I'm stood up but they check me while I'm. Say still and then write down heart rate 90 ect when they don't do it when I'm stood up its frustrating me !

17-06-16, 19:26
There are so many reasons why this could be happening, even something totally harmless. Your GP can organise a 24 hr ecg without you needing to see a cardiologist and if this is happening every time you stand up then this will show up on the ecg. An echo of your heart will say for definite if you have any enlargement etc. Again your Gp can arrange this without a cardiologists appt.
Can you go back to your Gp and ask the following questions

Are you waiting for cardio appt or has the Gp arranged an ecg and echo ?
If you are waiting for cardio then how long is the wait ( the gp will know)
If you are waiting for ecg/echo then again how long is the wait. Find out which hospital the referral has been made to and ring them direct asking.

YOu really have to chase everything yourself and ask questions.

If you can afford it then find a cardio at the nearest specialist centre and see them privately for initial appt and opinion. This may be enough to set your mind at rest and if they feel you need extensive tests they usually can arrange this via the nhs.

17-06-16, 20:04
I've booked in private because they aren't giving me answers I have the worst health anxiety obviously this is fuelling it one doctor said it could be electric problem another said it could be anxiety ect it is scaring me so much I'm sat down now I keep feeling fluttering in my throat sometimes my heart feels it's not going right and kinds beats all floppy and feels it's missing beats ect I really can't get no answers because no doctor checks anything stood up I know stress won't be helping I noticed this after waking unable to breathe I then had a full day of palps to realise my heart rate was 146 sitting in went to a& even where my heart rate was flucating from 115-130-179 ! Ecg showed sinus tachycardia but it doesn't make sence how it happened or what's happening

---------- Post added at 20:04 ---------- Previous post was at 20:00 ----------

Now I've just read a post on vertical tachycardia and I'm more scared when my ecg was done he said my left vertical I think it is isn't going up it was the top line of my ecg he said they expect this after having a baby ?? Now I'm really scared as I've just read it causes sudden death

17-06-16, 22:09
Pregnancy can give you temporary heart problems, I remember when I was pregnant 35 yrs ago! this was mentioned by the midwife. I had my first ectopic hearbeats whilst pregnant. Any time of hormonal upheaval can cause heart rhythm disturbance.

My super ventricular tachycardia develops at times of hormonal upheaval like puberty/pregnancy and menopause - mine was triggered by menopause.

Your heart is capable of withstanding a heartrate of 180-200 bpm for a long time without damage , they don't like for you to stay above 170bpm for a prolonged length of time but as long as its fluctuating up and down then thats nowhere near as bad as constant.

Anxiety itself can give you a very high heartrate - I only have to walk into my Dr surgery and my heartrate is 140bpm going up to 160bpm. So its perfectly possible that this is all due to hormonal upheaval and anxiety.

28-06-16, 04:48
Oh wow this sounds just like me this started happing right at the end of my pregnancy and my baby is 5 months been dealing with this every sence has doc offer u any meds i take beta blockers but dont help alot but does calm heart down some