View Full Version : Is this anxiety?

17-06-16, 17:25
Hi everyone, I've suffered with anxiety over the years on and of but have always managed to control it. I have recently qualified as a nurse and am enjoying my job. I have recently broken u with someone after 4 years, the past year of the relationship has really given me bad anxiety, but again I managed this. My ex went to prison 2 months ago and I felt devestated but I wanted to stand by him. About a month ago I started getting pins and needles in my arms which was accompanied by a tightness of the skin feeling....I was always getting pins and needles in face and legs and lips throughout the day.....is this a form of anxiety? Has the past 4 years of heartache and stress finally come out and presented like this? I've have a full set of bloods done and all is ok, my gp has refered me to a neurologist so I am awaiting an appointment......I broke up with my ex 1 week ago and am feeling very low, even though it wasn't a healthy relationship I'm finding it hard that he has cut me off just like that. I constantly have butterfly's in my chest and dread each morning as this is when it's at it highest. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thank you x