View Full Version : The worst part

17-06-16, 19:21
The worst part of panic attacks for me is the feeling of losing control and that I will not regain control and have to go to ER.. this has never happened but it is a big fear, most of the other symptoms don't upset me too much, but the losing control feeling is just horrible for me.. I take Propanalol and things which can help.. Should the propanalol stop them feelings? and also how can I cope with the feelings of losing control? and stop myself from running to ER.
Thank you

17-06-16, 19:52
Have you had a lot of panic attacks? If so then you can reassure yourself that even at their worst you have never list control or ran screaming to the ER - so it is extremely unlikely that this will ever happen (because if it was going to it would have done so by now) That is something to tell yourself when you are in the midst of an attack and waiting for it to subside. Tell yourself "I am fine, it is just a panic attack. I have had them before many times and I have not gone insane or lost control or been forced to go to the ER. I need to wait this out and let it run its course" Just keep telling yourself that over and over again until the attack subsides. Propranolol only affects physical symptoms, it doesn't take away the anxious thoughts. Are you having any CBT or other therapy? What about medication?

17-06-16, 22:22
Thank you, that means a lot :) the propanalol is ok. It stops it from going to another level if you know what i mean? Medication wise I am on ptopanalol prn, zoloft 275mg and tegretol