View Full Version : Does this constitute GAD?

17-06-16, 20:44
Recently ive noticed a string of symptoms that go:

Lightheadedness, stiff neck, twinges in my arms and legs and overall nerveness. I have this feeling in the back of my head like I am going to die of something like sepsis or something and I immediately got these feelings.

15-08-16, 23:10
Most of those symptoms sound like muscular tension. You're tensing up so much for so long that your body can feel like hell. Try squeezing your fist as hard as you can and holding it like that for five seconds, then let go. It actually hurts more when you let go, then the relief comes. That's what is happening with your body.

I'd recommend doing some deep breathing and consciously letting your body relax. These things take practice but you can see some benefit straight away.

Fear of death due to illness or poisoning is more like health anxiety. Generalised anxiety tends to be a vague, nebulous feeling that something horrible is going to happen, like you're on an open plain being hunted by a sniper. GAD can change into other types of anxiety (such as health anxiety or social anxiety) before morphing back into GAD. GAD can be described as a state of constant fear of everything - the fear superimposes itself on everything.

15-08-16, 23:25
GAD can nose-dive into specific areas pretty quickly, as NoPoet explained. I was diagnosed with GAD/panic disorder formally in my early 20s (21) but I think I had symptoms in my teens. Symptoms can range from general muscle tension, heartrate increase, sweating, feelings of unreality, non specific feelings of dread or forboding. Health anxiety has been my specific mental "ditch" though. I don't always end up there, but when I do, I'm stuck for a bit.

Have you talked to a doc about it?

16-08-16, 08:45
They could be physical symptoms found in just anxiety in general. Constant nervousness is one of the GAD symptoms, but it goes beyond that into being worried about many things, not so much the more specific (although you get those too).

Given your OCD, it's most likely physical symptoms from that combining with HA elements of OCD (since there is no such medical term as HA).

Has this started since you started the meds?