View Full Version : Worried! Please help me

18-06-16, 04:05
Hi guys,

I'm a very anxious person in general, and the last two weeks have been spent fixating on my throat because it's swollen and being worried that I have throat cancer. I've been off the cigarettes for two days now, and I am vaping quite a lot to go with it.

I'm now FIXATED on the fact that when I press below my right rib, it's harder than when I press below my left rib. I'm worried that I have some sort of bowel cancer/liver cancer... I have constant bloating that goes with this, and tonight I'm having a pain when I breath in below both of my ribs, it could be muscular though because it can be felt without breathing... I will appreciate any replies.


18-06-16, 05:55
Anxiety can cause all of that. I thought I had lung cancer and it was anxiety.take a deep breath. You will be ok. Also the Dr told n
Me that a lot of people breath a lot deeper so it could be gas to.

19-06-16, 03:16
It just seems as if when I take a deep breath, it hurts just under my left ribcage and feels like it goes to the back... I've just gotten over my anxiety of a swollen red throat, and now this comes along. I'm really worried I have swollen organs inside or something, I'm bloated a lot and have just been put onto omeprazole for reflux. I'm really worried there is something going on that I don't know about, someone talk to me :scared15: