View Full Version : Fatigue , nausea , was picking up

18-06-16, 08:01
Hi all , had a few good days from Sunday to Thursday been doing some work about 5 hours a day and getting out earlier for a walk , all seemed good then Thursday partner started to feel ill with chest pains again she's had several heart attacks and I went into panic mode for a bit not knowing if it was going to be a trip to hospital , she didn't go in but I felt realy down after with a sense of being out of control and there being little point in trying to get better , since then I've felt horrible , fatigue throughout my body constant tiredness and nauseous , I've had to get up this morning because I felt so sick , I'm already starting to over think it that this can't be just anxiety , it's been a rough year so I am run down but I feel worn out my arms have that horrible tingly adrenalin filled feel to them , thought I was on the mend now I feel worse than before , I did stop taking diazepam for the three days I was ok but I only take a very low dose so I don't think it's withdrawal , just wondered if any else just gets that total fatigue and sickness out of the blue , thanks

18-06-16, 08:04
Hey Buster,

Maybe it is from stopping the diazepam? If you've been on it a while, even at a low dose you can get withdrawals, which is what I think I am experiencing at the moment.

How much do you usually take?

18-06-16, 08:14
Hi shaz , I only have the 2 mg I don't normally take more than one a day some days I just break one in half and take half just to take the edge off if I'm feeling anxous , I started taking them regular again about December to help with back pain , how are you doing ? I still haven't got a new dog yet need to sort myself out first , thanks

18-06-16, 08:27
It could very well be the diazepam, Buster. Even small doses leave their legacy and you will get withdrawal symptoms. It's a deceptive highly addictive drug

18-06-16, 08:55
Hi , with anxiety it's hard to tell what the hell is going on what's real or anxiety , I've been off and on them for four years and there have been periods where I haven't taken any for months , talking to my docs is like banging your head against the wall and it was them that talked me into taking them in the first place , thanks for the replies guess I'll just have to see how things go , take care .

18-06-16, 09:03
Hi shaz , I only have the 2 mg I don't normally take more than one a day some days I just break one in half and take half just to take the edge off if I'm feeling anxous , I started taking them regular again about December to help with back pain , how are you doing ? I still haven't got a new dog yet need to sort myself out first , thanks

It's good you are only on a small dose, Buster, but if you are taking it every day and then stop you will almost certainly be having withdrawal which will be part of why you feel so crap.

I'm pretty sure I'm having issues these past three days from reducing my dose and I've been steadily reducing by only .5 mg a week for 5 weeks now.

It's also probably best to take it at the same time every day.

Yep, I'm having a shitter of a time since Wednesday night when I had a massive panic in the small hours (first one in ages) and am still feeling very unwell with hot and cold flashes, shivers, buzzing in my whole body, nausea, aches and pains, insomnia etc. Have managed to get out with the dogs but needed someone to come with me today and Thursday.

I'm going to keep my dose the same (1.5) for a while longer and hope things settle down.

18-06-16, 09:25
Hi shaz , just walking the other dog to try and get rid of some of the morning anxiety , don't you find it funny same problems other side of the world you could be up the same street it's only the flag gives away the distance , think I'll take a quarter of a tablet see if it helps , take care

18-06-16, 10:03
Hi shaz , just walking the other dog to try and get rid of some of the morning anxiety , don't you find it funny same problems other side of the world you could be up the same street it's only the flag gives away the distance , think I'll take a quarter of a tablet see if it helps , take care

I think we have a lot of similarities. It was the impending death of my old dog, and then getting him put to sleep in November that set this all off or was at least the 'final nail' with me ending up in such an anxious mess.

I'm so glad I have the other two but the past couple of days I know they add to my anxiety as I'm worried I won't be able to take them out. They've had two beach outings today so are actually rather spoiled.

Hope you feel better after your walk. I was starting to feel a bit better this evening but as bedtime approaches I'm feeling a lot worse again. Really nauseous and all hot and cold and trembly. Ideally it should wear off soon as my body adjusts but it sure is awful! Already worrying about how I'll get out of the house tomorrow. Who knows? Maybe I'll actually have a good sleep!

19-06-16, 06:09
Well dealing with anxiety simptoms may vary .You can feel worse because you withdraw diazepan or also because you had this negative experience with your friend .Try coming back to diazepam and see what hapens

19-06-16, 19:33
Hi shaz , how are you getting on without the diazepam , I caved in yesterday and had half of one about midday and half later I did feel a lot better , I guess I was kidding myself that a small dose for quite a long period wasn't going to be a problem stopping , yesterday was carnival day and had grand kids all day so it was pretty hard anyway very hectic and tiring , I'm going to try cutting down slowly over a period , hope you got some sleep and rest , was supposed to get a new dog today off a family member but they changed their mind at the last minute and text to say they weren't coming , can't blame her on not giving it up she's a beautiful dog but did feel a bit dissapointed , take care .

19-06-16, 21:32
Hi Buster, still very very rough. I'm not without the diazepam as was still in the process of cutting down but have gone back up to the dose before tha last drop (2mg). Have done that for two days and it hasn't helped.

Last night I managed about 5.5 hours sleep but awake at half 5 with nausea and the all over anxiety surges starting soon after that and had to be sick.

Definitely you should stay at a steady dose and gradually decrease!

Sorry to hear about the dog :(