View Full Version : Currently terrified.

18-06-16, 15:50
I'm absolutely terrified of these brain zaps i keep getting. I'm having them every 2/3 days and live in fear of when the next one with come on.

I just feel like I'm going to die soon. The next one is going to be a stroke or hemorrhage.

I've had an MRI of my head and it's come back fine. But i just can't accept it.

What is causing these damn zaps? I'm not on any kind of SSRI so it can't be that. They just scare me absolutely witless.

It's ruining my life. I feel so hopeless, worthless and guilty all the damn time.

18-06-16, 15:56
Exactly what are you experiencing, as best you can describe it as brain zaps can cover a huge number of different symptoms.
If you have had a brain mri then believe me they won't have missed anything, they can see a 1mm lesion on the brain and they can tell if you have a slightly enlarged blood vessel or if you have even the tiniest blood clot of have had mini blood clots in the past ( ischemia).
I can get a sensation as if I have dropped combined with a feeling like an electric shock, usually when I relax like in bed at night - its a truly horrible sensation but not harmful and I tend to get it if I have been racing around or am very anxious.
Any balance issue can feel like a brain zap as you for a split second lose balance of go dizzy or feel like you are falling.