View Full Version : Worrying and can't sleep

16-03-07, 10:07
Last night I had a bad night, I could hardly sleep and only got a few hours sleep…I was worrying constantly that my manic depression will come back and the thoughts kept going round in my head and I just couldn't sleep. I know I am worrying about nothing as I'm on medication and I am fine but I just worry it will come back and I will go mad or something.

Does anybody else get this? should I stop worrying as I am scared of this at the moment.

16-03-07, 10:17
Hey Phil.

Sorry to hear you're having a rough time.

I don't suffer from manic depression, but do know how awful it is lying awake all night worrying about things.

I tried writing all my worries down in a book, with the idea that I could close the book and stop worrying. No good.

I had CBT the other day and was given a new idea to try. I haven't done it yet, but think it might be helpful.

Divide a piece of paper into 3 columns. In the first column, you write down problems that have a solution. Write the solution with it, and take steps to resolve the problem. Column 2 - write down worries with no solution, and put it down. Leave it. Column 3 - write down problems that can't be solved now, but in the future. Then put it down and leave it until you can solve it.

Give it a shot. I also use a relaxation CD when I go to bed, to take my mind off things worrying me, and then I can focus on relaxing. It does help bring on sleep.

I was also advised to get a book called 'The Worry Cure'. Have ordered it but it hasn't arrived yet so can't give you any further details I'm afraid.

I understand your concern, but please try to relax. You say you're on meds and they are working. That's great! :)

Keep your chin up xx

16-03-07, 10:22
Thanks for the reply. I tried listening to the radio last night to relax but it never worked...think I was just having a bad night. Will try to write things down and see if that helps. I seem to worry If I am having a good day that my depression is coming back..I know it sounds daft.

16-03-07, 10:23
Hiya phil, try not to worry, I dont suffer from this, but I do understand we can worry ourselves too much. its awful when we cant switch off, and the thoughts keep going on and on, your not going mad, its the anxious thoughts that makes you feel that way!!!!! What would you normally do to keep yourself calm, or to ease the worrying.
Try and keep yourself occupied by doing something to distract you, whatever that maybe, just to take your thoughts and focus them on something else, something that is more relaxing if you can. take care of you. Sky

16-03-07, 10:27
Thats a great idea Dying swan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Sky

16-03-07, 10:54
Hi Phil,nights are sooooo long when we are in an anxious state aren't they?I dont have bipolar disorder,but i do lie awake at night worrying and getting so anxious i have panic attacks or feel as tho i am losing my mind.What helps me is music:) put on a cd,can be a relaxation tape also,i use headphones so no other noise can get in,i find this helps me drift of to sleep.Give it a try!xxxxxxxx

Freaky Chick
16-03-07, 12:05

Sorry you finding it so difficult to drop off to sleep. I've had nights like that too, and they're horrible.

As well as everyone elses really good advice, you could try essential oils. You don't have to have a candle burner, there are vapourisers on the market that you can plug in, or put on your radiator.

If you do vapourise, i find it helpful to start it about 20 mins before i attempt to go to bed, so it has time to infuse throughout the room, i then start relaxing as soon as i get into the bedroom.

Alternatively you can put up to 5 drops on a hanky and shove it under your pillow, or in your PJ's pocket

Lavender, clary sage and bergamot are good for getting off to sleep.

Hope you get some rest soon.

Love and Hugs
Freaky chick!!